Honors Courses
The following courses will be offered on a rotating basis. See the Honors Director for more information.
HNRS 100: Honors First Year Experience. 1 hour credit. Orients new Honors Students to the University and the Honors Program and facilitates the identification and application of practical study techniques and attitudes associated with college success. Honors Students only. Counts as FYE 100.
HNRS 103: Foundations of Ancient Civilization. 0-3-3. Interdisciplinary study of major works of ancient Greek, Roman, and Old Testament civilization. Honors students only. Satisfies ENGL 101, or 102, or HIST 101 as appropriate.
HNRS 104: Foundations of Medieval and Renaissance Civilization. 0-3-3. Interdisciplinary study of major works of Medieval and Renaissance civilization. Honors students only. Satisfies ENGL 101, or 102, or 210 or HIST 102 as appropriate and as IER requirement.
HNRS 105: Honors Fundamentals of Biology I. 0-3-3. Not open to Biology majors. Introduction to biological concepts of cell structure and physiology, genetics, evolution, and ecology. Statewide Transfer Agreement Course*. [LCCN: CBIO 1013]. Honors Students only. Counts as BISC101.
HNRS 106: Honors Fundamentals of Biology II. 0-3-3. Preq., BISC 101 or HNRS 105. Not open to Biology majors. Continuation of biological topics including origin of life, survey of the five kingdoms, plant and animal structure. Statewide Transfer Agreement Course*. [LCCN: CBIO 1023]. Honors Students only. Counts as BISC 102.
HNRS 107: Honors Elementary Spanish II. 0-3-3. Preq., SPAN 101. Conversation reading and grammar. Non-native speakers only. Statewide Transfer Agreement Course*.[LCCN: CSPN 1023] Counts as SPAN 102.
HNRS 108: Intermediate Spanish. 0-3-3. Preq., SPAN 102 or HNRS 107. Structure, cultural reading, conversation. Non-native speakers only. Statewide Transfer Agreement Course*.[LCCN: CSPN 2013] Counts as SPAN 201.
HNRS 110: Foundations of Sociological Thought. 0-3-3.. An exploration of the major ideas, issues, debates, and theories concerning the relationship between individuals and societies. Honors students only. Counts for course work in SOC 201.
HNRS 112: Foundations of Behavioral Thought. 0-3-3. An exploration of the major ideas, issues, debates, and theories concerning our understanding of human behavior. Honors students only. Counts for course work in PSYC 102.
HNRS 114: Foundations of Geographic Thought. 0-3-3. An exploration of the major ideas, issues, debates, and theories concerning our conceptualization and representation of space. Honors students only. Counts for course work in GEOG 205 and as IER requirement.
HNRS 115: Honors Foundation Design I. 9-0-3. Coreq., ARCH 112. Introduction to two-dimensional design issues and related compositional, analytical, and representational strategies. Honors Students only. Counts as ARCH 115.
HNRS 120: Honors Engineering Problem Solving I. 3-1-2. Coreq., MATH 240, CHEM 100. The engineering profession, engineering problem solving, computer applications. Honors Students only. Counts as ENGR 120.
HNRS 121: Honors Engineering Problem Solving II. 3-1-2. Preq., ENGR 120 or HNRS120; Coreq., MATH 241 or HNRS 241, CHEM 101. Introduction to engineering design, engineering problem solving, computer applications. Honors Students only. Counts as ENGR 121.
HNRS 122: Honors Engineering Problem Solving III. 3-1-2. Preq., ENGR 121 or HNRS 122; Coreq., MATH 242. Engineering design, engineering problem solving, computer applications. Honors Students only. Counts as ENGR 122.
HNRS 125: Honors Foundation Design II. 9-0-3. Preq., ARCH 112 and HNRS 115. Coreq., ARCH 122. Introduction to three-dimensional design and related compositional, material, analytical and representational strategies. Honors Students only. Counts as ARCH 125.
HNRS 201: Honors Philosophy. 0-3-3. Philosophical vocabulary; types and problems of philosophy; major philosophical positions. Statewide Transfer Agreement Course*. [LCCN: CPHL 1013]. Honors Students only. Counts as PHIL 201.
HNRS 202: Honors Advanced General Psychology. 0-3-3. Preq., PSYC 102 or HNRS112 . Honors Student Only. An intensive survey of literature and procedures in general psychology. Counts as PSYC 202.
HNRS 203: Foundations of Modern Civilization. 0-3-3. Interdisciplinary study of major works of major works of Modern civilization. Honors students only. Satisfies ENGL 102, or 211, or HIST 102 as appropriate and as IER requirement.
HNRS 204: Foundations of American Civilization. 0-3-3. Interdisciplinary study of major works of American civilization. Honors students only. Satisfies ENGL 102, or 212, or HIST 201 or 202 as appropriate.
HNRS 210: Foundations of Macroeconomic Thought. 0-3-3. An exploration of the major ideas, issues, debates, and theories concerning the interactions of states and multinational corporations. Honors students only. Counts for course work in ECON 201.
HNRS 211: Foundations of Microeconomic Thought. 0-3-3. An exploration of the major ideas, issues, debaters, and theories concerning the interactions of individuals and corporations. Honors students only. Counts for course work in ECON 202.
HNRS 212: Foundations of American Political Thought. 0-3-3. An exploration of the major ideas, issues, debates and theories concerning the relationship between individuals and the state in the American context. Honors students only. Counts for course work in POLS 201.
HNRS 225: Mathematics and Effective Thinking. 0-3-3. Exploration of the structure of mathematics as a system of reasoning. Real problem analysis using various methods and theories. Honors students only. Open only to those Honors students who require no higher-level math classes. Preq: Math 101. Substitutes for Math 112 or 125 for students in majors that require no subsequent math courses.
HNRS 241: Honors Calculus I. 0-3-3. Preq., MATH 240 or placement by exam. Limits; derivatives, continuity differentiation rules; derivatives of algebraic, and transcendental functions; applications of differentiation; optimization, anti-differentiation, definite integrals, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Credit will not be given for MATH 241 if credit is given for MATH 220 or 222. [LCCN: CMAT 2113]. Honors Students only. Counts as MATH 241.
HNRS 280: Honors Dance Appreciation. 0-3-3. An overview of the historical, cultural, and social impact of dance. Honors students only. Counts for Fine Arts (GER) course requirement as a substitute for KINE 280.
HNRS 290: Honors Music Appreciation. 0-3-3. Acquaints students with knowledge and appreciation of music from several cultures and eras. Honors students only; for non-music majors. Counts for Fine Arts (GER) course requirement as a substitute for MUGN 290.
HNRS 291: Honors Theatre Appreciation. 0-3-3. A study of theatre and its different forms and how they affect our life and society. Honors students only. Counts for Fine Arts (GER) course requirement as a substitute for SPTH 290.
HNRS 292: Honors Art Appreciation. 0-3-3. Study and enjoyment of art in its various expressions. Honors students only. Non-majors only. Counts for Fine Arts (GER) course requirement as a substitute for ART 290.
NOTE: Due to the limited number of seats available in Honors courses, first priority in 300-level classes will be restricted to students who have a legitimate intent and ability to finish the program. Students who have not been active in the program, or who have accumulated only a few Honors hours over several quarters, will be wait-listed so that active Honors students in good standing may make progress towards completing the program. Student enrollment is at the discretion of the Honors Director.
HNRS 303: Honors Technical Writing.0-3-3. Development of writing skills and styles. Assignments and instructions include technical report and online writing. Honors students only. Preq: ENGL 102 or HNRS 103, 104, 203, or 204 for English 102 credit. Counts as a substitute for ENGL 303.
HNRS 363: Honors Technical and Scientific Presentations.0-3-3. Presenting technical information to specialized and nontechnical audiences. Includes instruction in advanced online and video presentation in various forms. (Priority seating for this class will be given to students who have completed at least 10 hours of Honors credit.) Preq: ENGL 303 or HNRS 303. Counts as a substitute for ENGL 363.
HNRS 377: Foundations of Public Rhetoric. 0-3-3. Designed as a capstone experience in the honors curriculum; establishes a baseline of performance from other honors courses and provides an individualized course of instruction for improvement in effective speaking. (Priority seating for this class will be given to students who have completed at least 10 hours of Honors credit.) Counts for course work in SPCH 110 or 377.
HNRS 384: Honors Creative Writing. 0-3-3.Preq, Introduction to traditional and contemporary forms of short fiction and poetry through study of selected models.
HNRS 389: Honors Special Topics. 0-3-3. Seminar with topic to be designated by Honors Program. Will count as a 300 level elective in discipline of instructor teaching the class.
HNRS 411: Honors Study of the Nineteenth-Century British Novel. 0-3-3. Preq., ENGL 211 or HNRS 203. Study of the development of the British novel from Austen to the end of the nineteenth century. Honors Students only. Counts as ENGL411.
HNRS 414: Honors Study of the Victorian Period. 0-3-3. Preq., ENGL 211 or HNRS 203.Study of the major writers of the age. Honors Students only. Counts as ENGL 414.
HNRS 489: Honors Special Topics. 0-3-3. Seminar with topic to be designated by Honors Program. Will count as a 400 level elective in discipline of instructor teaching the class.
HNRS 495: Honors Capstone Course. 0-1-1. Preq., Junior or senior standing. Issues important when entering the job market or considering graduate school, including resumes and cover letters, interviewing, and marketing oral and written communication skills. Honors Students only.
HNRS 499: Honors Research and Thesis. (Pass/Fail). Preq., 27 semester hours of Honors credit. Registration in any quarter is for 3 semester hours. Maximum credit applicable towards the degree is 3 semester hours. Honors Students only