College of Education hosts math fair

Jul 20, 2009 | General News

Students won’t be avoiding their math homework for this Louisiana Tech event. The College of Education is hosting its annual Summer Math Fair, which will allow students in 1st through 6th grades an opportunity to have hands-on fun with math.

Dr. Julie Holmes, an assistant professor in the college, said the activities were designed by her students, who are studying math methods for elementary and middle school students.

“There will be hands-on math activities that are age appropriate each day,” Holmes said. “One (student) wants to do pattern bracelets and another has a card game in mind, for example. The event is … part of their required field experience hours for the class.”

Students who completed 1st through 3rd grades may participate on Tuesday, July 28, and students who completed 4th through 6th grades may attend Wednesday, July 29. Both camps will take place from 1:30-3:30 p.m. in the A.E. Phillips Multipurpose Room. The event is free.

For more information, contact Holmes at (318) 257-2966 or at

Written by Judith Roberts