Campus Notice: H1N1 Flu Vaccine

Dec 1, 2009 | General News

Louisiana Tech’s Student Health Center has received approximately 400 doses of the injectable, “inactivated” H1N1 vaccine for immediate distribution. “Inactivated” vaccines contain a dead virus. A small number of the nasal-administered “live” vaccines are also still available.

The Student Health Center has prioritized the distribution, per guidelines from state and federal health officials, as follows:

  • Anyone from 6 months through 24 years of age
  • Anyone from 25 through 64 years of age with certain chronic medical conditions or a weakened immune system
  • Pregnant women
  • People who live with or care for infants younger than 6 months of age
  • Health care and emergency medical personnel

All student that are interested in receiving H1N1 vaccine injections must read the following document prior to visiting the Student Health Center: What You Need To Know: H1N1 Injectable Vaccine.

At this time, the vaccine will be distributed to Louisiana Tech students ONLY. A valid Louisiana Tech ID will be required.

All members of the Louisiana Tech campus community are asked to continue to be diligent in taking precautionary steps to prevent the spread of any types of communicable illnesses.

For more information, contact Student Health Center, located in South Hall, at 257-4866 or by visiting their website at

Campus updates will be posted on the Emergency Response Team website at




Written by Dave Guerin