School of Art receives reaccreditation

Jun 2, 2011 | General News, Liberal Arts

Louisiana Tech’s School of Art collected another decade of accreditation this year, and Jonathon Donehoo said it reflects the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in the school.
Donehoo, director for the School of Art, said it is not only a priority of the university for the school to be accredited but also for Louisiana.
“Our constant accreditation shows that we meet or exceed the national standard in Washington,” he said. “In that stance, it sets us apart from those schools unaccredited.”
The National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD) is responsible for the accreditation, and during its Commission on Accreditation meeting in April, the members voted to continue Tech in good standing. Tech’s School of Art has been accredited since the early ‘80s.
Donehoo said receiving accreditation is similar to graduating art students seeking jobs or an instructor’s work.
“In some ways it’s like a student putting a portfolio together for life after college or teachers reaching for tenure,” Donehoo said. “It’s a way to say, ‘We’re here, and here’s what we have to offer.’”
He said the accreditation also pushes the faculty to review what they are teaching to keep the school constantly on the path to reaccreditation.
Though the school will not be up for review again until 2019, Donehoo remains confident that the school will retain its accreditation then as well.
“[The accreditation] is certainly not the work of just one person,” Donehoo said. “It’s a great reflection of our students’ and faculty’s hard work. Not all art programs are accredited in Louisiana, and we’re very proud to be.”
Written by Taylor Stephens