Louisiana Tech students pass fee to construct, enhance campus facilities

Apr 19, 2012 | General News

Students at Louisiana Tech University have overwhelmingly passed a new student fee and renewed a previous fee that will support the construction and improvement of several campus facilities, and provide for new recreational and outdoor classroom spaces.
The assessment was voted on during Louisiana Tech’s annual Student Government general elections held Wednesday and Thursday, with 84 percent of students approving the $50 quarterly fee.
“This is a multifaceted fee that will impact numerous programs across our campus,” said Dr. Jim King, vice president for student affairs at Louisiana Tech.  “Our students invested a lot of time in understanding and debating the complexities of this fee initiative.  I am confident the investment they are making today will pay tremendous dividends in the future.”
The new student assessment consists of a renewal of the “20 for 20” fee, which has contributed to the construction of several state-of-the-art student facilities including the $12 million Lambright Intramural Center expansion, and a new $30 campus enhancement fee.  Projects to be supported by these fees include the construction of new campus parking facilities, recreational and parade fields, stadium field house expansion, and the demolition of decommissioned dormitories.
“I’d like to commend the students of Louisiana Tech and their Student Government Association for passing this self-assessed fee and, thus creating a lasting legacy that will benefit generations of future Louisiana Tech students,” said Louisiana Tech President Dan Reneau.  “This is only the second time in 25 years that I have asked for a specific student fee.  These resources will greatly enhance the academic and student life resources that are available to all students at Louisiana Tech.”
Reneau says a great deal of credit goes to SGA President Clint Carlisle, who did an outstanding job of sharing the vision with his fellow students, helping to get the proposed fee on the ballot, and then working tirelessly to gain its passage.
“When you see what past Louisiana Tech students have done in passing fees that have led to new construction and facilities, knowing they won’t directly benefit from them during their time at Tech, it’s inspiring and makes you want to continue to invest in creating a stronger university for future Tech students,” said Carlisle.  “I feel that vision and level of commitment is one of the greatest things about Louisiana Tech students.  They definitely see the bigger picture.”
In addition to the physical campus enhancements, several academic and student life programs will also benefit from the new student fee.  Louisiana Tech’s kinesiology and ROTC programs, for example, will have opportunities to utilize the new facilities and green space to grow and showcase their students and curricula.
Throughout the past several years, Louisiana Tech has focused its vision on growth and advancing the institution, both through strong academics and athletics programs.  Guided by its strategic plan, Tech 2020, Louisiana Tech continues to enhance all areas of the campus’ physical infrastructure including housing, student leisure and recreation, health and wellness, research and development and intercollegiate athletics.