College of Business professor co-authors paper accepted for national publication

Jul 30, 2012 | Business

A Louisiana Tech business professor has co-authored an article that has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.

Dr. Rebecca Bennett

Rebecca J. Bennett, the Herbert McElveen Professor of Management in the department of management and information systems at Louisiana Tech, is co-author of the article titled “An Empirical Test of Forgiveness Motives’ Effects on Employees’ Health and Well-Being.”
This two-part study revealed five motives for forgiveness of workplace offenses – apology, moral, religious, relationship and lack of alternatives – and then examined the association of these motives with health and stress.
The study revealed that those who forgave for moral reasons reported less stress. Employees who forgave because they believed they had no other choice or because a higher religious power demanded it reported greater stress and poorer health.  Forgiving for relationship and apology reasons was not related to significant changes in either stress or general health of the employees.
Co-authors are Susie S. Cox, department of management, marketing and business administration at McNeese State University; Tom M. Tripp, department of management, Washington State University; and Karl Aquino, Sauder School of Business Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Division, University of British Columbia.
Written by Reginald Owens –