Graduate student receives third in steel design competition

Aug 1, 2012 | General News, Liberal Arts

A graduate architecture student at Louisiana Tech received national honors recently.
Michael Markham, a graduate student of architecture from Haughton, was awarded third place in the 2011-2012 Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture/American Institute of Steel Construction Steel Design Competition.
The award consists of a cash prize of $750 for Markham and a $500 prize awarded to his faculty sponsor.
After receiving 303 design submissions, the jurors chose the best three designs along with four honorable mentions to be awarded, making Markham’s design part of a two percent acceptance rate.
Markham’s winning design will be exhibited at he ACSA 101st Annual Meeting in San Francisco, Calif., in March 2013 as well as at the American Institute of Architects’ National Convention in Denver, Colo., in June 2013.
Written  by Zach Griffith