Health Sciences Career Event planned April 2 in Student Center

Feb 24, 2020 | Alumni, Applied and Natural Sciences, Engineering and Science, General News, Students

To aid all Louisiana Tech students but especially those studying for a profession in a health-related field, the University will hold its third annual Health Sciences Career Event from 2-5 p.m. Thursday, April 2 in the Student Center.

Employers from all branches of the health care industry — physical, mental, emotional, and medical — will be in attendance. These representatives in attendance will be available to discuss the employment opportunities they have, internships, and open positions they are looking to fill.

Again, the event is free and open to alumni and to students of all majors but is specifically targeted to the needs of students enrolled in the University’s health-related programs.

For more information, contact coordinator of Employer Relations and Career Center Events Avery Broussard, or 318.257.2573, or Assistant Director of Employer Relations and Recruitment Services Caitlin Dartez, or 318.257.4336.

The event is hosted by the Louisiana Tech Career Center.