Laptops available for students for online classwork

Mar 25, 2020 | General News, Innovation, Students, Tech Family

A limited number of laptops are available to Louisiana Tech students who have no other way to receive remotely delivered content, thanks to the repurposing of older models.

Tech’s Chief Information Officer Tom Hoover said 11 computers were repurposed early this week and three dozen more can be made ready, depending on demand.

The computers can be checked out from Prescott Memorial Library’s circulation desk, just as a book would be, and returned at quarter’s end. Contact the circulation desk at 318.257.3555 to check on availability.

These computers are for students who can’t otherwise access online information at their homes; they can be used in the library or taken home.

Here are some of the technology resources available for Louisiana Tech students, staff, and faculty.

Help Desk (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday)

  • Tech’s Help Desk will be available remotely to assist students, staff, and faculty. Call 318.257.5300 or log on to

Library (10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday)

  • Open for computer labs access and wireless connectivity.
  • Again, there are a limited number of laptops available for check out. The laptops can be used in the library and taken off campus if a student needs it for doing their courses online.
  • There are a limited number of webcams that can be checked out for use.