Top 5 – Reasons to love Ruston

Jul 27, 2020 | Top 5

Note: During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have the chance to learn a little more about our Louisiana Tech University Family: students, staff, alumni, faculty, and friends. We’ll call it Tech Top 5. Go to for more Top 5s. #TogetherApart

Mary Ramsey

Mary Ramsey deskA born and raised New Yorker—from Poughkeepsie, just 90 minutes north of The Big Apple — Mary Ramsey moved to Ruston only two months before Louisiana Tech transitioned to distance learning in mid-March. Now, far away from home, she’s found a second one. Tech’s Assistant Director of Communications in the University’s Department of Recruitment and Admissions appreciates and embraces the culture shock. Here’s why she loves Ruston.

  1. Y’all. Why is this word not more universally accepted?!
  2. I can call someone at 9:30 at night to remove a lizard from my apartment. This New Yorker is not jiving with the creepy crawlies, and I’ve legit had to do this.
  3. Crawfish Boils. I’m a convert y’all! (You like what I did there?)
  4. Tony’s Seasoning. Look, I can cook a mean meatball and my marinara sauce (that’s “sawce” with the right accent) game is on point. But, I can’t put meatballs and marinara sauce on top of EVERYTHING. I can try, but I’ll be honest — Tony’s goes so much better on an avocado than on a meatball.
  5. The complete and utter kindness. This has been a strange transition, and I am in complete awe of those who continually check up on me — not out of obligation, but as an actual sense of concern.