AEP teacher selected as Teacher Leader Adviser by state DoE

Oct 21, 2020 | Education and Human Sciences, Faculty/Staff

A.E. Phillips Laboratory School teachers are known for their dedication, and one in particular has received notice from even the Louisiana Department of Education.

The state’s DoE recently selected DeEtte Wick as a Teacher Leader Adviser, and Jenny Blalock, AEP principal, said the accolade came as no surprise.

“Mrs. Wick is a hard worker and passionate teacher who loves her students and the subject she teaches,” Blalock said. “She deserves this recognition. The Louisiana Department of Education is gaining a valuable leader in the field of education.”

Teacher Leader Advisors (TLA) work for the state in three different capacities, Wick said. They can write curriculum, present at professional development sessions led by the state, or review instructional materials to see if they meet the requirements to be a Tier 1 curriculum. This year Wick will work with a team of teachers reviewing materials for English and Language Arts instruction.

“The Louisiana DoE knows that a high-quality curriculum is almost as important as a high-quality teacher,” Wick said. “So, my job is to make sure that the best resources get in the hands of Louisiana teachers.”

Blalock said while Wick will continue her role as a teacher while also serving as an adviser to other teachers.

“We are lucky that Mrs. Wick will continue to teach at A. E. Phillips as she takes on this role to help other teachers,” she said. “Any time a teacher steps into a leadership role, it is a growth experience as well. Our middle school students will continue to benefit from her instruction and growth.”

Wick said while her days are quite busy, especially during the time of a global pandemic, she enjoys watching her students learn and grow through the curriculum.

Teaching with COVID in mind has been an incredible challenge,” she said. “I am teaching two classes in person and then two classes virtually. My days are full and demanding. However, I am lucky to be teaching grades that I have previously taught. While each year is new and different, I am relying on my experience with the curriculum and the age of the students more than ever. I use every minute of my time at school to fulfill my role as an English teacher, but I have learned that I have to work hard while I am at school and then leave my work there. This works well because my work as a TLA happens during the evenings and on the weekends.”

Wick said she is honored to have been selected as a TLA and knows that it will help her students, which are her priority.

“I think I always knew I was meant to be a teacher,” Wick said. “I began college as a chemical engineering major. One night in college I said that if I could be anything I wanted to be I would be a teacher.  A friend looked at me and said, ‘You can.’ While almost comically obvious, that was the ah-ha! moment. I knew this was what I was meant to be. I considered teaching high school chemistry, but my passion was for younger children. I changed my major to elementary education. I was first hired to teach fourth grade and just kept working my way up to middle school. I am right where I am supposed to be. Middle school children are at a challenging age but are so fun and engaging.”