Week of activities brings Greek-letter organizations together
More than 1,400 Greek men and women participated in Louisiana Tech University’s annual Greek Week,a competition where sororities and fraternities team up and compete to raise money and earn bragging rights.
“It was great watching all the sororities and fraternities compete against each other,” said Fox Garon of Baton Rouge Garon is the philanthropy chair of Kappa Alpha. “My favorite event was trivia night. It was so intense!”
Greek Week also allowed the Interfraternity Council and College Panhellenic Council to raise over $17,000 for their philanthropies: 4Paws and Med Camps.
Panhellenic also donated school supplies to public schools and snack bags with handwritten letters for their students.
“Philanthropy is at the center of every Greek organization, so it is only fitting that we include philanthropy as a part of Greek Week,” said Thibodaux native Adele Boudreaux, who serves as Panhellenic President.
“Looking at these accomplishments, it is obvious that our Greek community has a heart for charity and realizes their impact.”
Some Greek Week events like Songfest that had been canceled due to COVID-19 and the 2019 came back this year. Songfest is an event in which partner sororities and fraternities work together to create a dance and skit performance.
Jordan Smith of Tyler, Texas, was the Songfest chair for Kappa Delta and choreographed their performance. Kappa Delta, Kappa Alpha, and Beta Upsilon Chi won people’s choice.
“Songfest is the ultimate team competition because you team up with your fraternity partners,” Smith said. “You get to lean on your teammates and become a big family!”
“Songfest is my favorite event because we not only get the chance to show off our skills and our athleticism. We also get to show off our passions, creativity, and love for each other!”
The week ended with Farm Games and a cookoff where the winners of the week were announced. Kappa Delta Sorority, Kappa Alpha Fraternity, and Beta Upsilon Chi were this year’s winners.
Noah Blessing, who grew up in Shreveport, participated in many Greek Events as a member of Beta Upsilon Chi.
“The memories and friendships I made this week made all of the hard work worth it,” Blessing said. “And I am so thankful to experience a win!”
This story was written by Marketing student Sophie Edwards.
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