College of Education to celebrate Dot Day

Sep 14, 2022 | Education and Human Sciences, General News, Students

Louisiana Tech University’s College of Education will celebrate Dot Day from 2-4:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 15 in Woodard Hall 214.

The celebration was organized by the College’s Clinical Residency and Recruitment Center, which develops and refines capstone experiences for clinical teaching residents at Louisiana Tech. Central in this is effort is the TEAM model, an innovative approach to teacher preparation that replaces the traditional, single-term of student teaching with a full-year clinical residency in local schools.

International Dot Day is based on Peter H. Reynolds’ book, The Dot, where an art teacher greatly impacts her student, Vashti.

“In September of each year, we celebrate our amazing education majors, faculty, and alumni for making our world a better place for students,” said Dr. Amy Vessel, CRRC Executive Director and one of the developers of the TEAM model. “We tell all residents in our TEAM Model clinical residency program to ‘make their mark’ out in the school placements as they co-teach August to May.”