Parker wins Construction Engineering Technology T-shirt design competition

Jan 3, 2023 | Engineering and Science, General News, Students

When Construction Engineering Technology (CET) freshman Lauren Parker saw that her program was offering a new t-shirt design competition, she knew that she wanted to create a design that showed off the program’s contributions to Louisiana Tech.

Parker, who chose CET because of her love for business and construction, wanted her design to expand on the theme that won the previous competition in 2019. Since the previous design defined construction engineering technology for people outside the major, Parker decided to take that a step further and show how the skills CET majors learn impact society. To do that, she highlighted the construction elements of the College of Engineering and Science’s most recent addition to campus, the Integrated Engineering and Science Building (IESB).

“I picked the blueprint of the IESB because it is where CET majors study together, host meetings for student organizations like the Associated General Contractors and the newly founded Louisiana Society of Professional Land Surveyors, and engage in practical and hands-on learning. Plus, because the IESB is so new to campus that it has a different architectural appeal than many older buildings, there is a lot of interest regarding its construction. I wanted prospective and current students to know that, ultimately, the incredible feat that is the IESB would not have been built without those in CET-related fields. I really do believe that the foundationfor a better future is at Louisiana Tech and will be built by my CET classmates and those to come!”

Program chair Mr. Reginald Jeter says that the competition had numerous great entries this year, and Parker’s vision to explore the effects construction engineering technology has had on campus gave her the edge.

“The judges had a challenging task to select the winner because there were several very good designs submitted,” he said. “Lauren won with her design using an IESB plan and the many opportunities available with a CET degree. Congratulations to Lauren!!”

Construction Engineering Technology students and faculty can pick up free shirts after February 1, 2023. A limited number of shirts will be available for purchase by students and faculty from other programs. The price for those shirts will be $15.

Learn more about Louisiana Tech’s Construction Engineering Technology program.