SCILS hosts Math Regional Refresh Tour with CEHS and LADOE

Feb 21, 2024 | Education and Human Sciences, Faculty/Staff, General News, Partnerships

The College of Education and Human Sciences (CEHS) and the Louisiana Department of Education (LADOE) partnered to organize the Math Regional Refresh Tour at Louisiana Tech University on January 9, 2024.

The Math Regional Refresh Tour was hosted by the SCILS Region 8 LASTEM Center at the Davison Athletic Complex (DAC). Facilitated by the LADOE Math Team, this professional learning event incorporated teachers, school leaders, and system leaders along the I-20 corridor to learn about new initiatives and opportunities within K-12 math education.

“Participants came together to learn updates on the initiatives within Louisiana’s Math Refresh, which is aimed at improving math outcomes for all students in Louisiana,” Dr. Jamie Hebert, Director of Math in the Louisiana Department of Education, said.

The main focus was to better serve math teachers by equipping them to help Louisiana students elevate their potential in STEM studies. The event was also tasked with connecting partnerships that can support STEM outreach efforts.

“The SCILS team believes stakeholders across our rural Delta region deserve the same opportunities as any other region in the state and is therefore proud to stand firmly in its position to further enhance the partnerships that allow our region to work together toward a brighter and more successful future,” Cathi Cox Boniol, Director of SCILS Region 8 LASTEM Center, said.

“We are grateful that the Louisiana Department of Education opted to partner with our College of Education and Human Sciences and the SCILS initiative through our SciTEC division to host this supportive professional development session,” Dr. Lindsey Keith-Vincent, Associate Dean for Research, Outreach, and Innovation, said.

For more information on the Math Regional Refresh tour, visit the link here.