Internal Audit

Types of Audits


Sometimes called program or performance audits, these are the most common audits. Operating procedures, flow of paperwork, and internal controls are thoroughly reviewed.


This type of audit is done to express an opinion on the accuracy of the data contained in financial statements prior to official publication. Although the Office of Internal Audit does a few of this type of audit, the University’s external auditors are responsible for conducting the majority of the required financial audits with the Office of Internal Audit available to assist.


Various governmental programs and the NCAA have very specific rules and regulations with which organizations must comply. Audits in these areas are generally restricted to verification of such compliance.

Information Systems (IS)

This audit is a technical review of a computing function and would include data center operations, access security, major application systems, end-user computing, etc.


These audits are done to investigate incidents of possible fraud or misappropriation of University assets. We work closely with Senior Management, the Comptroller’s Office and the University Police Department as necessary to resolve the issue.