December 14, 2015 

Call to Order 

The December 14, 2015 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:00 p.m. in the Ropp Center, Room 105, by President Patrick O’Neal. 

Roll Call 

Kim Barlow 

A quorum was met. Those absent without excuse or proxy are: Yolanda Hoof, Bill McCumber, Bill Stammerjohan, Rich Mancil, Teddy Allen, Bill Davis, Bijoya Chakraborty, Lisa Merritt, and Kevin Singh. 

Approval of Minutes 

The minutes for October 26, 2015 and November 16, 2015 were presented for ratification; a motion to approve of the minutes as presented was made by Leland Weiss and seconded by Steven Toaddy. Motion passed by unanimous vote. 


1. Guest Speaker – Dr. Terry McConathy 

o Asked for volunteers to serve as participants in Survey Focus Groups • Focus Groups to meet this week 

• 8 to 10 climate questions 

• Institutional commitment 

• Inclusion of faculty, staff, and students 

• Ongoing process to affect change 

2. President’s Opening Remarks 

o Discuss the survey again • Dr. Guice’s concerns  Validity of last year’s survey 

 Need for assurances of validity 

 Use of organizational email services 

 Multiple use of IP addresses 

 Possibility of skewed results 

o Brief update of meeting with the president this a.m., with other news (Reneau appt, raises, etc.). • Dr. Dan Reneau has been appointed as Interim President for the University of Louisiana System 

3. Business o Old Business 

o Announce date for spring faculty/staff meeting • Motion to approve 4:00pm on March 16, 2016 was made by Ernie Rufleth and seconded by Jessica Syzmanski. Motion passed by unanimous vote. 

o New Business 

o Committee Working Meetings for 20-30 minutes o Other Business – None 

4. Voluntary Remarks – None 

5. Adjournment – A motion to adjourn was not officially made; Sub Committees worked in groups until 5:00 pm and dispersed as they completed their discussions. 

Kim Barlow, Recording Secretary