Call to Order – The February 19, 2018 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:00 p.m. in University Hall, Room 111, by President Ernest Rufleth.
New Business
Dr. Rob Blackstock, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs, College of Business, provided a presentation proposing a solution for effective distribution of e-mails for the university in totality. Dr. Blackstock asked for support of the senate in his quest to meet with the Provost to present and request implementation of his proposed solution. Discussions of opportunities or challenges were communicated by the senate members and by invited university personnel, Mr. Danny Schales, Computing Center and Mrs. Tonya Oaks Smith, University Communications. With a Stafford/Dwyer motion, the senate approved supporting Blackstock in his request for senate support with four senate members opposing.
President Rufleth asked for nominations from the floor for the F.J. Taylor award. President Rufleth advised it is desired to have nominations from all the colleges and he will be sending out e-mail reminders requesting expedited responses of nominations.
President Rufleth addressed the need for new committee topics. He advised some topics shared with him recently, for example, parking hanging tags and non-receipt notes from the health clinic/offices.
Due to extended prior discussions, meeting time was unavailable for holding sub-committee meetings.
Old Business – President Rufleth provided the senate members updates of meeting with President Guice
Electronic evaluations will be revisited and plans are to schedule a meeting with the Provost for approval.
President Guice advised that the request regarding office hours needs to be taken to the Counsel of Academic Deans for review. President Guice also advised he is supportive of this proposed action.
Regarding Civil Service awards, the request for approval by the State Commission has been tabled until next month’s meeting in Baton Rouge. Louisiana Tech is the first university to request approval of these awards and; therefore, the Commission has requested additional information to complete their review. This additional information has been provided to the Commission.
President Guice was thanked for the recent raises. President Rufleth suggested the Senate discuss and request a new matrix for fairly balancing salaries of existing faculty while trying to hire new faculty.
A request was made that the university survey be implemented at least every other year. AROS has received the request for submission of the survey this year.
A solution to UNIV 289A course requirement is evolving to be self-resolved.
Roll Call – Martha Stevens – A quorum was met.
Approval of Minutes – January 2018 – will be tabled for approval at the March 2018 meeting
Voluntary Remarks and Reminders – March Meeting: Monday, March 26, 2018, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m., University Hall, Room 111
Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m. on a Crook/Swanbom motion.