Call to Order – The February 20, 2017 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:00 p.m. in University Hall, Room 111 by President Julie Rutledge.
Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell – A quorum was met.
Approval of Minutes – January 2017 – approved on a Toaddy/Schelonka motion.
Overview of Awards and Nominations for the F. Jay Taylor Teaching Award – Nominations were taken from the members of the Senate.
Updates from around the University/State
Student evaluations are happening now.
Reminder e-mail was sent to faculty/staff about the Tuition Exchange Program.
Faculty Forum held in Alexandria, LA
Focus on Dual Enrollment, Think 30 statewide plan.
LA Workforce Presentation.
Presentation by Johnny Taylor, Jr from the Thurgood Marshall College Fund.
2nd Annual Ruston Town Hall Meeting – Updates on initiatives from all areas.
APC Updates:
The numbers for freshmen enrollment are up this month compared with the same time last year.
There are two slots open in the 4-year-old room at the ECEC.
AROS is currently in the stage of focus groups related to the results of last year’s climate survey.
Both the secondary education science fair and the Louisiana Tech Research Symposium held on campus were a success.
The University has entered into a contract for a complete overhaul of the website.
Sub-Committee Work Time
Brief reports were given on the individual initiatives and progress of each sub-committee. Those giving reports were Rufleth, Kimbell, Stammerjohan, Teske, and Rutledge.
Teske stated that Senate should designate a representative from the University Administration Sub-Committee to serve on the University Parking and Traffic Committee. A Toaddy/Rufleth motion was made and all were in favor.
Voluntary Remarks and Reminders
March Meeting: Monday, March 27th, 4p-5p, University Hall 111
Winter Quarter grades are due on Monday, February 27th to the Registrar’s Office.
Adjournment – Meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m. by a Toaddy/Schelonka motion.