October 20, 2014

1. Call to Order:  

The October 20, 2014 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:01 p.m. in the Ropp Center, Room 105, by President Michael Swanbom.

2.  Roll Call:  Sandi Richardson

Senators absent from the meeting and without excuse or proxy: Kathleen Heiden and Dentcho Genov. 

3.  Approval of Minutes:  September 2014

A motion to delay the approval of the September 2014 minutes was made by Greg Schelonka and seconded by Ernie Rufleth.

4. Old Business

  • Tuition Exchange Reminder: This program costs the university $600/year so please use it! The program provides a vehicle for our dependents to attend approximately 650 member institutions with tuition reduction.
  • Budget: Tabled through motion by Jeff Pike and seconded by William Stammerjohan.

5. New Business/Announcements:

  • Changing award appropriations to offset the fringe.
    • Option 1: Can leave the senate paid portion of the award to be the face amount of awards ($1500 & $2000) allowing fringe to come from the award with a much lower net to the recipient
    • Option 2: Increase the senate paid portion to include the fringe so the gross paid to the award winner is the face amount of the award.
    • Body voted to accept option 2 by motion made by Steven Toaddy and seconded by Jeff pike; no opposed.
  • Online course evaluations
    • Senators expressed concern about:
    • Ensuring a fair assessment
    • Gaining results
    • Is it ethical to COMPEL participation?
    • Motion proposed by Ernie Rufleth to pass on the concerns to Dr. McConathy. Motion seconded by Steven Toaddy and sustained by entire body.
  • Social Media Policy
    • The University marketing and communication department has drafted a social media policy in an effort to safeguard the University’s reputation and to prevent sports violations. The policy as written was received in a very negative way as it seemed to violate the opportunity for free speech for the entire University community. A committee consisting of Boris Teske, Mike Swanbom, and Shawn Trivette was formed to suggest rewording this policy to be less restrictive. The revised document is to be presented at the November Senate meeting.
  • APC Meeting for October
    • QEP is moving forward with a final plan being presented to the October CADS meeting.
    • Ebola action plan is under review
    • All travel forms to become electronic to make it easier for faculty to prepare their expense forms.
    • 501C status awarded making it easier to run grants through Tech
    • Raises to be awarded in November!! Maximum of a 4% ongoing increase (raise) and/or a one-time bonus
  • Employee Satisfaction Survey discussion held in Executive Session.

6. Voluntary Remarks:


7. Adjournment:  A motion to adjourn was made by Greg Schelonka and seconded by Steven Toaddy. The meeting adjourned at 5:11 p.m.

Sandi Richardson, Recording Secretary