Minutes – March 21, 2016 

1. Call to Order – 

The March 21, 2016 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:00 p.m. in the Ropp Center, Room 105, by President Patrick O’Neal 

2. Roll Call – Kim Barlow 

A quorum was met. 

3. Guest Speaker – Brooks Hull 

o Development officer for each college 

o Regular meetings held with Deans 

o Advise – “Be the best faculty you can be” 

4. Approval of Minutes 

o February – Approved on a Schelonka/Stammerjohan motion 

4. President’s Remarks 

o Peer to Peer comparisons 

o Senate budget approved in principle by Dr. Guice 

o AROS Survey results – 2:30pm meeting March 21st 

Chair and Professorship Expenditure Process – approved by Lisa Cole. 

6. Business 

o Old Business 

 Topics for University Wide Senate Meeting 

 Wed, March 30th, at 4pm in Howard Auditorium 

 Reports from Committees 

 Staff Committee – Staff Awards 

 New Business 

 F. Jay Taylor Undergrad. Teaching Award Nominees 

o Other Business – none 

9. Voluntary Remarks – none 

10. Adjournment 

The meeting adjourned at 5:01 pm.