October 23, 2017 – Minutes

  1. Call to Order – The October 23, 2017 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:00 p.m. in University Hall, Room 111, by President Ernest Rufleth. 
  2. Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell – A quorum was met.
  3. Approval of Minutes – September 2017 – approved on a Crook/Nielsen motion
  4. Guest Speaker – Dr. Terry McConathy, Provost
    1. Website – The goal is to simplify the website to be more user-friendly to students as well as their parents, to enhance it as a marketing tool, and to streamline it at each level.  There has not been an official roll out date set; however, the plan is for all colleges to be in development by Thanksgiving.  
    2. Salaries – Discussed the letter that Dr. Guice recently sent out to all unclassified faculty/staff regarding the pay raise plan.  Gave a timeline that would result in an increase effective date of January 1, 2018. 
    3. Professorships – Discussed the letters that were recently sent out to individuals reporting the balances in these accounts.  
    4. Position as Provost – The previous duties that Dr. McConathy was responsible for as VP for Academic Affairs have not changed with this position.  The position of Provost also requires much more involvement in advancement as well as overseeing anything that touches Academics. 
    5. Business
      1. New Business – Treasurer’s Report – Paul Crook reported that Senate previously had one single budget that has now been divided into two separate accounts.
        1. One account is funded by the President’s Office that covers everything but awards.  The current balance is $267.70. 
        2. One account is covered partially by the foundation and partially by balance transfers from the other Senate account to cover the awards. Current balance is <$12,178.00>. 
      2. Updates from around the University/State
  5. Sub-Committee Work Time – New and returning Senate members were encouraged to join a committee based on their interests.  Each group met for the remainder of the meeting to discuss current initiatives. 
  6. Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. by a Nielsen/Levin motion.