March 26, 2018 – Minutes

  1. Call to Order – The March 26, 2018 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:02 p.m. in University Hall, Room 111, by President Ernest Rufleth. 
  2. Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell – A quorum was met.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    1. January 2018 – approved on a Crook/Nielsen motion
    2. February 2018 – approved on a Gentry/Sanford motion
  4. Business
    1. Old Business
      1. Updates on Existing Committee Topics
        1. The Civil Service Commission approved the proposal to offer three yearly service awards to our classified staff.  Each award winner would receive a plaque and a $1,500 stipend. 
        2. The motion to change the policy for office hours as well as the way that electronic surveys will be given out to students will be presented to CADS on April 17th. 
      2. F. Jay Taylor Undergraduate Teaching Award Updates
        1. Request for packets have now been sent out to all F. Jay Taylor Award nominees.
        2. The names of the nominees will be listed on the senate website.
        3. President Rufleth requested volunteers to serve on an ad-hoc committee to review the packets and make recommendations to the senate. 
    2. New Business
      1. CLCU – Meeting was held in Hammond, LA at Southeastern Louisiana University – The following topics were discussed: 
        1. Discussion on the movements going on in higher education
        2. Request for individuals to join the LA Association of Women in Higher Education
        3. Presentation on tying together business and higher education and how growth in industries ultimately impacts higher education 
        4. Student panel discussion on factors of stress experienced at school
        5. Dr. Joseph Rallo provided an update on the state of higher education.
        6. Discussion on TOPS and impact of what will happen if students are not assured about funding. 
      2. Parking – Laura Gentry (ANS) attended meeting on behalf of the senate – The following topics were discussed: 
        1. Due to confusion in zoning this year, a 2-zone system will be implemented next year for students:  residential and commuter.  Residential life will determine these zones. 
        2. The cost of a motorcycle parking permit will increase to $40 next year.
        3. A punch system will be implemented on temporary permits next year.
        4. Plans are being made for more bike racks to be installed throughout campus.
      3. Undertaking New Committee Topics – President Rufleth encouraged all sub-committees to take on new topics so momentum would not be lost in their progress.  His suggestions included:
        1. Thank you letter to Dr. Guice in response to merit increases
        2. Creating an ad-hoc committee to review award nominee packets
        3. Following up on the implementation of the AROS survey
  5. Voluntary Remarks and Reminders
    1. April Meeting:  Monday, April 23rd, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m., University Hall, Room 111
    2. President Rufleth encouraged the senate to consider attending ULS Day at the Capitol on April 11th.  An e-mail invitation will be sent out to faculty and staff and all are encouraged to attend.  The Louisiana Tech Theatre Department will perform.  The goal is for at least 1,200 people from the ULS System to attend. 
  6. Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 4:52 p.m.