Call to Order – The March 27, 2017 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:02 p.m. in University Hall, Room 111, by President Julie Rutledge.
Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell – A quorum was met.
Approval of Minutes – February 2017 – Minutes will be reviewed and approved at the April meeting.
Guest Speaker – Michele Robinson, Director of Alumni Engagement and Leadership Giving
Presented information on the results of the Alumni Attitude Survey. This was the 1st overall study completed by Louisiana Tech University and the results were compared to a National Average. Almost 1,800 individuals responded that represented the different segments of graduates.
The survey gave valuable information about how our graduates perceived their student experience, their opinions of Louisiana Tech as a whole, their roles as a graduate, and their alumni experience.
Business – New Business
Award Status Updates
F. Jay Taylor Undergraduate Teaching Award – The packets are now online on the Senate website for viewing. Voting will take place at the April meeting. Use of an electronic device (phone, tablet, or laptop) will be required to vote.
University Senate Chair Award – Link was e-mailed out urging faculty and staff to submit names for nominees. After eligibility is verified, ballots will be sent out for voting.
Virgil Orr Junior Faculty Award – Will undergo the same nomination/voting process as the University Senate Chair Award.
Staff : A link was sent out to all university administration and senate members for nominations for the three unclassified staff awards for Loyalty, Outstanding Service, and Student Outreach. All nominations are due by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 3rd.
Updates on Senate Initiatives
Classified Staff Awards recognition – The sub-committee has received internal university approval to attempt to gain external approval through Civil Service to offer these awards next academic year.
Faculty office hours – Regarding the request to move from 10 traditional office hours a week to contact hours, a formal proposal will be presented to CADS to be reviewed at their next meeting.
Early grading – This initiative, if approved, would take a minimum of 3-4 years to take effect. President Julie Rutledge asked for the senate to vote to determine if a special committee should be formed to evaluate this possibility. A Toaddy/Stammerjohan motion was made in favor of creating a campus-wide committee. With a vote, the majority of the Senate were in favor; two opposed. Motion passed.