September 28, 2015
Call to Order
The September 28, 2015 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:00 p.m. in the Ropp Center, Room 105, by President Patrick O’Neal.
Roll Call
Kim Barlow
A quorum was met. Those absent without excuse or proxy are: Andrew Cline, Rhonda Boyd, and Jessica Syzmanski
Approval of Minutes
The minutes for May 2015 were presented for ratification; a motion to postpone approval of the May 18, 2015 minutes as presented was made by Greg Schelonka and seconded by Ernie Rufleth. Motion passed by unanimous vote. Two points of concern were raised: 1) Whether the Antidiscrimination Statement amendment vote tally should be included in the minutes and 2) Whether to include the method of voting for the 2015-2016 Officers and the Antidiscrimination Statement amendment. It was unanimously agreed that information pertaining to each concern would be presented at the next University Senate body meeting.
• President’s Introductions (e.g., officers, perspectives from last year – raises, promotion raises, policies) o The President used a Power Point presentation to introduce the body to pertinent information for the 2015-2016 Academic Year. Constitution – Policy 1302
Executive Committee Officers and Representatives
Senate Leadership Tasks
University Budget Update • Twenty-five percent State Funded
• Possible mid-year budget cuts
• Budget up ten million dollars from last year
US News Rankings
9th Day Enrollment and First-time Full-time Enrollment • College of Engineering and Sciences representation of enrollment and faculty trends
• Report from ALFS o Enrollment/Resources in LA is no longer (primarily) a zero-sum game between Universities
o Does the road to state-independence yield the concept of “students as customers”?
o Tech is in a leadership role here
o Hotelplanner.com is widely hated
• Report from APC (e.g., Library, Tech Distinctives, Recruiting) o Recruiting is starting a process of de-centralization. There is a sense that the current system is ripe for improvement.
o What are Tech “Distinctives”? There is an opportunity here. What needs to be protected as we grow and become independent?
o Library: $700k received for Library Planning. “Please help!”
o ECEC gets “new” building. 850 new beds could be ready in 18 months to replace Harper, Graham, and Pierce.
o 80% Conversion of Freshmen to sophomores
o See the new commercial on YouTube
• Salary increases with promotion & salary study (e.g., asking for this report to be run again this year, plans for this year) o Raises: 4% (Still 1 S.D. below the peer-group mean)
o Faculty Promotion: $3000, $5000
o Work-life: Tenure Clock Extension amended policy approved in 2014-2015AY
o Constitution Changes to Better Represent You
o Longitudinal Employee Survey 2014-2015AY was the first year
Discussion to continue the survey this year and beyond
Administer the survey in early to mid-October
Twenty-two questions
Discussion ensued as to whether or not to share results
A motion was made by Bill Stammerjohan and seconded by Justin Kavalir to empower the Executive Committee to implement the survey – unanimous approval.
o New Committee Structures Passed out Standing Committee lists and asked the Senate body to select a committee.
• HotelPlanner updates o Opinion on Hotel Planner:
Pick the Response that best summarizes your personal opinion:
1. I feel that Hotel Planner is a horrible misuse of state resources (time, money, etc.). 21 acknowledgments by a show of hands
2. I am familiar with Hotel Planner and am ambivalent, indifferent, or positive about the booking tool. 5 acknowledgments by a show of hands
3. I am not familiar with Hotel Planner. 7 acknowledgments by a show of hands
o Hotel Planner Mandate One time exceptions may be granted for individual lodging on a case by case basis by the Agency Department Head with proper justification. Such requests should be submitted to Lisa Cole.
Travelers not booking through the portal without prior approval must reimburse the agency/university/board.
Conference lodging exemption
• Survey (plan moving forward – e.g., AROS, COACHE, Dr. Guice) o Vice President Rutledge suggested that President Guice has expressed interest in conducting Climate Surveys.
o AROS designing a new tool
o COACHE over $5000 per year
o Valuable information can be collected for internal use
o Discussion ensued as to whether or not to publish results
• Moodle o Use of Moodle for the purpose of internal communications for the Senate body
• Robert’s Rules of Order – disbursed copies of Cornell’s abbreviated version
• The President called for suggested guests for the October meeting o Discussion regarding a standing invitation to the University President each year
o Foundation guests during Fall quarter
• Committees o reminders of committee assignments
o tasks for this year
o committee chair within 2 weeks
o expectations of committee work this year – interconnectedness
o taskable items
o key stakeholders
o reporting to Executive Committee
• Other issues o Senate Funding Senate pays for secretary, awards, and travel
Senate President O’Neal discussed possible funding with President Guice • Treasure’s report will be given at the October meeting
Senate President suggested President Guice has shown interest in new methods for unclassified employee evaluations
Voluntary Remarks None
Adjournment The motion to adjourn was made by Ernie Rufleth and seconded by Steven Toaddy. The meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm.
Kim Barlow, Recording Secretary