Current students

December 17, 2018 – Minutes

  1. Call to Order – The December 17, 2018 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:04 pm in University Hall, Room 111, by President Michael Swanbom.
  2. Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell called roll; a quorum was met.
  3. Approval of November 2018 Minutes – a motion was made by Jonathan Walters and was approved by the Senate body
  4. Announcements/Updates
    1. The senate will likely have a new meeting venue in 2019 due to the beginning of renovations in Univ Hall 111.
    2. President Swanbom updated the Senate regarding the salary letter and data that was sent to Dr. Guice on 12/3/2018. As of the December Senate meeting, a response regarding this letter had not been given.
    3. President Swanbom requested that the Senate review the drafted UNIV 289A updated letter and determine if it should move forward or if it needed to be revised further.
      1. A motion was made by Gentry/Murray to accept the letter pending the proposed changes made to item #4 of the document.
    4. The revised Office Hour Initiative has stalled and will need to be revised by the Senate to make the requests clearer.
      1. Mark Shoemaker is still checking on a unified office meeting scheduling software.
    5. A discussion of the Summer Salary Proposal indicated that pay is less in the summer than what is paid during a normal session. The question was posed whether summer pay could be handled in the same manner as an overload.
  5. Sub-Committee Work Time – Each sub-committee met for the remainder of the meeting hour to discuss new or continuing initiatives to work on in the current academic year.
  6. Adjournment
    1. The meeting was adjourned for sub-committee work at 4:33 p.m. on a motion made by Hollins/Cuccia; all Senate members were in favor.