Call to Order – The March 25, 2019 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:03 pm in COBB, Room 221, by President Michael Swanbom.
Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell called roll; a quorum was met.
Approval of February Minutes – A motion was made by Kathleen Heiden and was approved by the Senate body.
Guest Speaker: Jim King, Executive Vice President and Vice President for Student Advancement
Shared updates regarding the focus on improvement of university housing, parking, and pedestrian walkways
Contingent on growth; looking 7 years out
In the process of completing Tech 2020, looking towards Tech 2030
Presentation slides included information on the campus master plan, new construction and updates on existing facilities
Phase 1 of housing replacements with the removal of Harper and Harris in the summer of 2020
Phase 1 of parking improvements include elevated deck to be constructed within the next 18 – 24 months
Greening of campus corridor and developing pedestrian arteries
Connecting campus to downtown Ruston & Arts District
Awards Updates
F J Taylor
Nominations were due on March 25th from each college
Lynne Nielsen will be sending out notifications to each nominee and request that they prepare an informational packet
Virgil Orr & Senate Chair
Poll has been sent out for nominations
Those that receive the largest number of nominations will receive a request to complete a packet
Staff Awards
The staff subcommittee will be sending out nomination request e-mails within the week
Unclassified nomination requests will go to University Administrators, Department Heads, Deans, as well as members of the University SenateClassified nomination requests will be sent out to all faculty and staff
Policy 1301 – Policy on Policies
Outlines how policies are to be made and amended at Louisiana Tech
Policy 1301 does not have any mention of the University Senate; there is no path that compels university administrators to contact the Senate on proposed changes
Should be revised to list what the proper role of the Senate is in policy change
Policy 1302 – Constitution for the University Senate of Louisiana Tech University
A review of this policy enforced that the Senate may make recommendations using appropriate administrative channels in order to initiate information that might influence the revision of policies or make recommendations on policy proposals.
Regarding the policy on office hours, President Swanbom asked the Senate members to send him any of their suggested revisions as well as any revised policy wording they felt would apply to the core issues that are faced within their college.
Information regarding the office hour policy revision will be brought up for discussion and vote at the April meeting.
Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 on a motion by Jonathan Walters/Laura Gentry.