Current students

October 29, 2018 – Minutes

  1. Call to Order – The October 29, 2018 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:03 pm in University Hall, Room 111, by President Michael Swanbom.
  2. Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell called roll; a quorum was met.
  3. Approval of September 2018 Minutes – a motion was made by Nielsen/Gentry and was approved by the Senate body.
  4. New Business
    1. Jonathan Walters, Senate representative from COES, presented data gathered from the annual SREB Salary Report
      1. Compared data from 2016-2017 in regards to rank of full, associate, and assistant professorships
      2. Tech is classified as a Category 2 institution
      3. Discussed data provided on SREB tenured salaries and mentioned that Tech falls behind the SREB average on full, associate, and assistant professorships based on 9-month appointment equivalents. 
      4. Inflation comparison data from 2008 to 2018 determined that, based on merit-based raises, Tech is behind
      5. Other universities in Louisiana are more competitive in SREB based on faculty salary
    2. President Swanbom led a discussion with the Senate regarding the e-mail that student’s received on 10/29/18 regarding the fee increase effective this Winter Quarter
    3. President Swanbom presented a draft of letter written on behalf of the Senate regarding a request for cost of living adjustments annually. He asked the members of the Senate to review the letter and e-mail him with suggestions or recommendations.
  5. Sub-Committee Work Time – Each sub-committee met for the remainder of the meeting to discuss new or continuing initiatives to work on in the current academic year.
  6. Adjournment
    1. Meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m. on a motion made by Hollins and all Senate members were in favor