Sept 23, 2019 – Minutes

  1. Call to Order – The September 23, 2019 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:02 p.m. in Wyly Auditorium by President Michael Swanbom.
  2. Welcome – President, Michael Swanbom, COES
    1. Welcomed all new and returning senators
      1. Discussed the important roles the University Senate serves
      2. Stated that the senate is most effective if we choose to work on initiatives that are generally in broad agreement of senate body
      3. Discussed the senate’s process of working on initiatives
      4. Encouraged senators to begin generating a document/ policy if there is something specific that they are passionate about
      5. Discussed the importance of picking a standing committee that best matches the senator’s interest
    2.  Noted that the University Senate president sits on the APC and counts as one vote
  3.  Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell called roll; a quorum was met.
  4. Approval of May 2019 Minutes – a motion to approve the minutes was made by Nina Collum and seconded by Jordan Blazo; all approved
  5. Update on Initiatives Already Underway – all initiatives have been sent to Dr. Guice, President Swanbom followed up with him two weeks ago
    1. UNIV 289A – Risk Management
      1. Phase out will be delayed a year
    2. Overload Compensation
      1. Anticipating a proposal to be in place for the Winter Quarter
    3. Endowed Professorships for Promoted Lecturers
      1. Need to review the BOR policy again to make sure there are no conflicts
    4. University Strategy for Salary Competitiveness and Cost of Living Adjustment
      1. Legislation to look to bring salaries up to SREB average
  6. Office Hours Policy Revision
    1. President Swanbom presented the senate members with a draft revision of Policy 2207 – Faculty Office Hours and opened up the floor for discussion
    2. A motion was made by Kathleen Heiden to end the discussion and vote, a 2nd to the motion was received
      1. The policy received 1 – no, 1 – abstain, and the remainder of senate members were in favor of moving forward with the draft
  7.  List and Description of Standing Committees
    1. President Swanbom provided a list of the standing committees along with examples of the initiatives in each area.
    2. Members were given a form to complete which indicated their committee choice based on their personal interests.
  8. Sub-Committee Work Time – was postponed until the October meeting

  9. Adjournment

    1. Meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.