Sept 23, 2019 – Minutes
- Call to Order – The September 23, 2019 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:02 p.m. in Wyly Auditorium by President Michael Swanbom.
- Welcome – President, Michael Swanbom, COES
- Welcomed all new and returning senators
- Discussed the important roles the University Senate serves
- Stated that the senate is most effective if we choose to work on initiatives that are generally in broad agreement of senate body
- Discussed the senate’s process of working on initiatives
- Encouraged senators to begin generating a document/ policy if there is something specific that they are passionate about
- Discussed the importance of picking a standing committee that best matches the senator’s interest
- Noted that the University Senate president sits on the APC and counts as one vote
- Welcomed all new and returning senators
- Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell called roll; a quorum was met.
- Approval of May 2019 Minutes – a motion to approve the minutes was made by Nina Collum and seconded by Jordan Blazo; all approved
- Update on Initiatives Already Underway – all initiatives have been sent to Dr. Guice, President Swanbom followed up with him two weeks ago
- UNIV 289A – Risk Management
- Phase out will be delayed a year
- Overload Compensation
- Anticipating a proposal to be in place for the Winter Quarter
- Endowed Professorships for Promoted Lecturers
- Need to review the BOR policy again to make sure there are no conflicts
- University Strategy for Salary Competitiveness and Cost of Living Adjustment
- Legislation to look to bring salaries up to SREB average
- UNIV 289A – Risk Management
- Office Hours Policy Revision
- President Swanbom presented the senate members with a draft revision of Policy 2207 – Faculty Office Hours and opened up the floor for discussion
- A motion was made by Kathleen Heiden to end the discussion and vote, a 2nd to the motion was received
- The policy received 1 – no, 1 – abstain, and the remainder of senate members were in favor of moving forward with the draft
- List and Description of Standing Committees
- President Swanbom provided a list of the standing committees along with examples of the initiatives in each area.
- Members were given a form to complete which indicated their committee choice based on their personal interests.
Sub-Committee Work Time – was postponed until the October meeting
- Meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.