Faculty & Staff

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing


Louisiana Tech University’s Associate of Science in Nursing program is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).


Effective January 23, 2025, this nursing program is a candidate for initial accreditation by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing. This candidacy status expires on January 23, 2027.

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326


Note: Upon granting of initial accreditation by the ACEN Board of Commissioners, the effective date of initial accreditation is the date on which the nursing program was approved by the ACEN as a candidate program that concluded in the Board of Commissioners granting initial accreditation.


Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, Georgia 30326
Phone: 404.975.5000

 Louisiana State Board of Nursing

The associate degree nursing program is approved by the Louisiana State Board of Nursing.


Louisiana State Board of Nursing
17373 Perkins Road
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70810
Phone: 225.755.7500

Accreditation information

National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) pass rates

Below is a table of our National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) pass rates. Louisiana Tech Nursing pass rates are consistently above the state and national rates.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Louisiana Tech NCLEX-RN Pass Rates 96.4 86.84 90.38% 98.11% 98.33% 100%
Louisiana NCLEX –RN Pass Rates 89.93 92.77% 94.72% 94.54% 92.83%
National NCLEX-RN Pass Rates 82.48 86.58% 88.18% 88.3% 87.12%
Program completion rates

Program completion rates reflect the number of students admitted to the clinical program who remain in the program and complete the nursing curriculum within 7 quarters.

  • 2020-21 – 49%


Historic Program Completion Rates

Prior to the 2020-21 academic year, program completion rates reflect the number of students admitted to the clinical program who remain in the program and complete the nursing curriculum within 10 quarters.

  • 2019-20 – 67%
  • 2018-19 – 71%
  • 2017-18 – 69%
  • 2016-17 – 65%
  • 2015-16 – 63%
  • 2014-15 – 73%
Mission statement

The Division of Nursing is committed to excellence in the education of students of diverse educational and cultural backgrounds preparing them to enter an ever-changing health care environment as competent practitioners of nursing. This educational environment fosters clinical reasoning, is achieved through interaction of faculty with students, is responsive to community needs, is cognizant of regional and national trends in health care delivery, and recognizes its responsibility for research and scholarly activity, and service.

Statement of Philosophy

The philosophy of the Division of Nursing reflects the mission of Louisiana Tech University. The commitment to be a program of the highest quality is led by a caring faculty dedicated to providing an environment of innovative educational excellence. Through faculty and student interaction, graduates are prepared to transition to nursing practice in a complex and changing world. The educational environment supports the development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to provide safe, patient-centered care as members of a diverse healthcare team. The Louisiana Tech nursing program fosters the development of professional values in lifelong learners who are engaged in their community and embrace an interconnected, global perspective.

Program outcomes
  1. The program’s annual NCLEX examination pass rate will be at least 85% for all first-time test takers from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 every year.
  2. Ninety percent (90%) of respondents to the postgraduate survey will have found employment in nursing within 6-12 months after graduation.
  3. Sixty-seven percent (67%) of students who begin in NURS 110 complete the nursing program within 7 quarters, which is 150% of the usual timeframe for the program.

(Updated 12/07/2020)

End-of-Program Student Learning Outcomes

Informatics/Safety/Quality Improvement

Utilize information and technology to communicate, monitor, and improve quality and safety of patient care.

Patient-Centered Care/Compassion

Use clinical judgement to provide compassionate safe patient-centered care in professional partnerships across diverse settings and populations.

Professionalism/Lifelong Learning

Demonstrate a professional identity that reflects leadership, accountability, and ethical decision-making while pursuing lifelong learning.

Teamwork Collaboration/Communication

Utilize effective communication through collaboration with a culture of teamwork to promote optimal health outcomes.

Evidence-Based Practice

Integrate evidenced-based practice using clinical judgment across diverse settings and populations.

Community Engagement/Global Awareness

Promote health and wellness in diverse settings and populations through community engagement and global awareness.