Alphabetical listing

Sheila R. Barham

Research Associate

Department: Office of Technology Transfer

Phone: 318.257.2387

Fax: 318.257.4703

Email: sbarham@latech.edu

Rebecca Bradley

Program Coordinator for Partnerships

Phone: 318.257.2619

Email: rbradley@latech.edu

Hannah Bustamante

Executive Coordinator for Research & Innovation

Department: Innovation Enterprise

Office: Tech Pointe 327

Phone: 318.257.5281

Email: hannahb@latech.edu

Ben Doughty

Tenant Services & Buildings Coordinator

Department: Technology Business Development Center

Office: Tech Pointe 235

Phone: 318.257.2604

Email: doughty@latech.edu

Beverly Hill-Hercules

Pre-Award Coordinator

Department: Office of Sponsored Projects

Office: Keeny Hall, Room 418

Phone: 318.257.2415

Fax: 318.257.5079

Email: bhillher@latech.edu

Dr. Donna Johnson

Deputy Chief Innovation Officer

Department: Innovation Enterprise

Office: Tech Pointe Room 321

Phone: 318.257.2365

Email: donnaj@latech.edu

Dr. Dave N. Norris Jr.

Chief Innovation Officer

Departments: Innovation Enterprise, Office of the President

Office: Tech Pointe 328

Phone: 318.257.3798

Email: dnorris@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Mr. Thomas ‘Tommy” M Perkins

Tenant Service and Facilities Coordinator Research Innovation

Departments: Enterprise Campus, Innovation Enterprise

Office: Tech Pointe 235

Phone: 318.537.4309

Email: perkinst@latech.edu

Professor B. Ramu Ramachandran

Interim Vice President for Research, Dean of Graduate School

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Graduate School, Institute for Micromanufacturing, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology, Research

Office: Wyly Tower 1208, Wyly Tower 1642

Phone: 318.257.4304

Fax: 318.257.4487

Email: ramu@latech.edu

Sheetal Shelke

Grants Accountant

Department: Office of Sponsored Projects

Office: Keeny Hall

Phone: 318.257.5078

Email: sshelke@latech.edu

Reagan Silva


Department: Office of Sponsored Projects

Office: Keeny Hall

Phone: 318.257.2429

Email: rsilva@latech.edu

Dr. Kirk St.Amant

Professor, Eunice C. Williamson Endowed Chair, Director of Center for Health and Medical Communication, Coordinator of Graduate Studies in English

Departments: Center for Health and Medical Communication, School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 278

Phone: 318.257.5490

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: stamantk@latech.edu

Martha Stevens

Assistant for Administration

Department: Innovation Enterprise

Office: Tech Pointe 325

Phone: 318.257.2938

Email: mstevens@latech.edu

Fredda Wagner

Grant Administration Specialist, Office Manager

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Office of Sponsored Projects, Trenchless Technology Center

Office: EA 201

Phone: 318.257.3204

Email: fredda@latech.edu

Jody Wang

Grants Accountant

Department: Office of Sponsored Projects

Office: Keeny Hall 418

Phone: 318.257.2331

Email: ywang@latech.edu

Ms Kathy Wyatt

Enterprise Campus Director, Enterprise Center Director, Technology Business Development Center Director

Departments: Enterprise Campus, Innovation Enterprise, Technology Business Development Center

Office: Tech Pointe 132

Phone: 318.257.3537

Email: kwyatt@cloud.latech.edu