Alphabetical listing

Dr. Heidi L. Adams

Associate Professor of Wildlife Habitat Management, Certified Wildlife Biologist, Frank Merritt Endowed Professor for Forestry

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 201

Phone: 318.257.2947

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: hadams@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Joshua P. Adams

Professor, Academic Program Chair – Forestry

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Lomax 13

Phone: 318.257.4457

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: adamsj@latech.edu

Candace W. Cooper

Accounting Technician

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese 101

Phone: 318.257.4986

Email: cwcooper@latech.edu

Dr. Michael Crosby

Associate Professor, Geographic Information Science

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Lomax 14

Phone: 318.257.4724

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: mcrosby@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Mickii Drake

Administrative Assistant 3

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese 111

Phone: 318.257.2303

Email: mdrake@latech.edu

Jennifer Futrell

Accounting Specialist 2

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 111

Phone: 318.257.3275

Email: jenf@latech.edu

Dr. Adam Handy

Assistant Professor and Veterinarian, Animal Science

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese 107

Phone: 318.257.2328

Email: ahandy@latech.edu

Dr. A. Gordon Holley

Professor, Forestry

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 208

Phone: 318.257.4926

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: gholley@latech.edu

Maxwell Hyde

Instructor, Greenhouse Laboratory Supervisor

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Phone: 318.257.2918

Email: mhyde@latech.edu

Dr. D. Paul Jackson

Ray and Dorothy Young Professor of Plant Science, Interim Director

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 124

Phone: 318.257.2412

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: pjackson@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Roxie Jordan

Greenhouse Assistant

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Phone: 318.257.2918

Email: greenhouse@latech.edu

Track Kavanaugh

Instructor, Agricultural Education

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 104

Phone: 318.257.2444

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: track@latech.edu

Dr. Gary A. Kennedy

Dean, College of Applied and Natural Sciences and Professor, Agricultural Business

Departments: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry, Office of the Dean - ANS

Office: PML 913

Phone: 318.257.4287

Fax: 318.257.5060

Email: kennedy@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Mark W. Murphey

Academic Program Chair Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Animal Science, Holder of the Agricultural Sciences Endowed Professorship

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 108

Phone: 318.257.2457

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: murphey@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Nan Nan

Assistant Professor, Forestry

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 211

Phone: 318.257.2820

Email: nnan@latech.edu

Carter Parks

Assistant Greenhouse Lab Supervisor

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Phone: 318.257.2918

Email: greenhouse@latech.edu

Dr. William B. Patterson

Associate Professor, Forestry

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Lomax 16

Phone: 318.257.2879

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: wpatter@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Gorden E. Reger

Instructor, Meat Lab Supervisor

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Meat Laboratory

Phone: 318.257.4220

Fax: 318.257.4288

Email: greger@latech.edu

Kelsey Shoemaker

Research Associate, Forestry

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese 126

Phone: 318.257.2773

Email: kds054@latech.edu

Dr. Barbara Still

Assistant Professor, Animal Science

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese 106

Phone: 318.257.2797

Email: bstill@latech.edu

Dr. Katie Welch

Assistant Professor, Agricultural Business

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese 125

Phone: 318.257.2451

Email: kwelch@latech.edu

Dana Williams

Lab Supervisor

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Lomax 14

Phone: 318.257.2814

Email: dana@latech.edu

Dr. Shaoyang Yang

Assistant Professor, Forestry

Department: Agricultural Sciences and Forestry

Office: Reese Hall 212

Phone: 318.257.2467

Email: syang@latech.edu