Alphabetical listing

Dr. Matthew Bryan

Professor, Audiology Clinical Services Director

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson Hall 214

Phone: 318.257.3102

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: mbryan@latech.edu

Melinda F Bryan Ph.D., CCC-A

Professor, Program Director for Doctor of Audiology

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson Hall 214A

Phone: 318.257.2146

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: melinda@latech.edu

Abigail Fertal CCC-SLP

Instructor, Speech Pathology

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson 316

Phone: 318.257.2588

Email: afertal@latech.edu

Whitney Hester

Administrative Coordinator III

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson Hall 112

Phone: 318.257.4766

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: whester@latech.edu

Carrie L. Knight

Assistant Professor, Speech Pathology

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson Hall 309

Phone: 318.257.2070

Email: cknight@latech.edu

Cheryl Leachman

Instructor, Speech Pathology

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson 320

Phone: 318.257.2781

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: leachman@latech.edu

Emory Long

Instructor, Speech Pathology Clinic Coordinator

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson Hall 317

Phone: 318.257.2119

Email: elong@latech.edu

Shawn Moss

Instructor, Speech Pathology

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson Hall 319

Phone: 318.257.2693

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: stmoss@latech.edu

Dr. Kerrilyn Phillips

Professor, Speech Pathology, MA SLP Program Director

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson 313

Phone: 318.257.2586

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: kphillip@latech.edu

Adam Waters

Associate Professor, Audiology

Departments: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The Speech and Hearing Center

Office: Robinson Hall 217

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: awaters@latech.edu