Alphabetical listing

Dr. Tina L. Allen

Assessment Coordinator, Assistant Professor

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 200-E

Phone: 318.257.3923

Email: tallen@latech.edu

Amanda Auttonberry


Department: Human Ecology

Office: WOOH 212D

Phone: 318.257.4517

Email: amandaa@latech.edu

Tiffany Bates Ph.D.


Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 211B

Phone: 318.257.3003

Email: tbates@latech.edu

Edward Bell Ph.D.


Department: Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness

Office: Woodard Hall 210

Phone: 318.257.4554

Fax: 318.257.2259

Email: ebell@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Mrs. Belinda Leigh Birch

Clinical Residency and Recruitment Center Coordinator

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 214

Phone: 318.257.2661

Email: CRRC@latech.edu

Mr. Casey Blalock

Lab School Teacher, Gym

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 130

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: cblalock@aep.latech.edu

Jenny Blalock Ed.D.

Director of A. E. Phillips Lab School

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A.E. Phillips 119

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: jblalock@aep.latech.edu

Jordan Blazo PhD

Associate Professor

Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 302

Phone: 318.257.4033

Email: jblazo@latech.edu

Mrs. Michelle Blount

Lab School Teacher

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 152

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: mblount@aep.latech.edu

Sarah Bourgeois

Admissions Data Assistant

Department: Recruitment and Admissions

Office: Hale Hall 103

Email: sarahab@latech.edu

Mr. Randall Boyd

Lab School Teacher, Music

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 378.257.3676

Email: randallb@aep.latech.edu

Rhonda Boyd MEd


Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 210

Phone: 318.257.5457

Email: rboyd@latech.edu

Mrs. Lori Braddock

Lab School Teacher, 4th Grade

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 151

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: lorib@aep.latech.edu

Walter C. Buboltz, Jr. Ph.D.

Professor, Director of Training Counseling Psychology

Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 117B

Phone: 318.257.4039

Email: buboltz@latech.edu

Mr. Christopher Campbell

UTeachTech Master Teacher

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 138A

Phone: 318.257.2866

Email: ctc@latech.edu

Charlott G. Caraway

Administrative Coordinator lll

Departments: Early Childhood Education Center (ECEC), Human Ecology

Office: Early Childhood Education Center

Phone: 318.257.4614

Fax: 318.257.4014

Email: ccaraway@latech.edu

Ida Chauvin Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 114C

Phone: 318.257.4097

Email: ichauvin@latech.edu

Mrs. Martie Clary

Lab School Teacher, Art

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 126

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: mclary@aep.latech.edu

Sadie Colvin

Literacy Project Support Lead

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: scolvin@latech.edu

Cathi Cox-Boniol

SCILS Region 8 LaSTEM Center Director

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: ccox@latech.edu

Mrs. Sheree Cramer

Lab School Teacher, 5th Grade

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips, 150

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: scramer@aep.latech.edu

Ryan Crotin PhD

Research Associate, Adjunct Thesis Advisor

Department: Kinesiology

Phone: 716.998.9551

Email: rlcrotin@gmail.com

Dr. Carrice Cummins

Research Professor

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: carrice@latech.edu

Shelby Curtis PhD

Assistant Professor

Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 114D

Phone: 318.257.3515

Email: scurtis@latech.edu

Lacey Deal MEd


Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 305

Phone: 318.257.5458

Email: ldeal@latech.edu

Kayla Deason

Program Manager

Department: Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness

Office: Woodard Hall 210

Phone: 318.257.4554

Email: kadeason@latech.edu

Angela DeCoux

Administrative Assistant 3

Department: Human Ecology

Office: WOOH 209C

Phone: 318.257.3728

Email: adecoux@latech.edu

Lindsey Doutt

Admissions Specialist – College of Education and Human Sciences

Departments: Office of the Dean - Education and Human Sciences, Recruitment and Admissions

Office: Woodard Hall 103

Phone: 318.257.5464

Email: ldoutt@LATech.edu

Carmen Echols

Administrative Assistant 3

Department: Kinesiology

Office: Memorial Gym Room 205

Phone: 318.257.4432

Email: cechols@latech.edu

Tonya Ezell

Administrative Assistant III

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 203

Phone: 318.257.4609

Email: tezell@latech.edu

Dr. Lisa Flanders-Dick

Professional in Residence

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 129D

Phone: 318.257.2561

Email: ldick@latech.edu

Mr. Andrew Ganacheau

Director, Louisiana Center for Afterschool Learning (LACAL)

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: aganuch@latech.edu

Michael Gilmore

Undergraduate Support Specialist, Administrative Coordinator 4

Department: Office of the Dean - Education and Human Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 106

Phone: 318.257.2382

Email: mwgil@latech.edu

Ms. Monna Paige Harvey

Lab School Teacher, 2nd Grade

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 154

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: pharvey@aep.latech.edu

Mrs. Lindsay Heard

Lab School Teacher, K-8 Spanish

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 162

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: lheard@aep.latech.edu

Dr. Dustin M. Hebert

Department Chair

Phone: 318.257.4609

Email: hebertd@latech.edu

Dr. Kathleen Heiden


Department: Human Ecology

Office: Enterprise Center 126

Phone: 318.257.3009

Fax: 318.257.4014

Email: heidenk@latech.edu

Mrs. Kelly Hodge

Lab School Teacher, 1st Grade

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 144

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: khodge@Aep.latech.edu

Tamara Holliman

Administrative Assistant 4

Department: Office of the Dean - Education and Human Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 101B

Phone: 318.257.3712

Email: holliman@latech.edu

Dr. Joanne Hood

Assistant Professor

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 200B

Phone: 318.257.4940

Email: jhood@latech.edu

Dr. Patsy A. Hughey

Assistant Professor

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 200A

Phone: 318.257.2849

Email: phughey@latech.edu

Penny Humphries

ANS Director of Development, Alumni Foundation, Adjunct Instructor, Fashion

Departments: Human Ecology, Office of the Dean - ANS

Office: CTLH 265

Phone: 318.257.5479

Fax: 318.257.4014

Email: penny@latech.edu

Megan Bates Hunt

Lab School Teacher, First Grade

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A.E. Phillips Room 140

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: mhunt@aep.latech.edu

Jane Jacob Ph.D.

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor

Departments: Office of the Dean - Education and Human Sciences, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: 101C Woodard Hall

Phone: 318.257.3712

Email: jacobj@latech.edu

Mrs. Erika Jones

Coordinator, Office of Professional Education Outreach

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: erikaj@latech.edu

Gretchen Jones MS

Adjunct Faculty

Department: Kinesiology

Office: Memorial Gym 223

Phone: 318.257.2107

Email: gcjones@latech.edu

Teresa Jordan

Program Manager

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 129A

Phone: 318.257.2563

Email: teresaj@latech.edu

Dr. Grace Naomie Joseph

Middle School Math Teacher

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A.E. Phillips Room 124

Phone: 318.257.3469

Email: gjoseph@aep.latech.edu

Laurie Kaffka

Instructor, Lead Teacher

Departments: Early Childhood Education Center (ECEC), Human Ecology

Office: ECEC

Phone: 318.257.2607

Email: lkaffka@latech.edu

Lori Ann Kelly

Assistant Director of Middle School

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: lkelly@aep.latech.edu

Dr. Kimberly Kimbell-Lopez


Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 111B

Phone: 318.257.2982

Email: kklopez@latech.edu

Eric Kuo Ph.D.

Assistant Professor – Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology

Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 116A

Phone: 318.257.5455

Email: ekuo@latech.edu

Deborah Lee

Graduate Support Specialist, Administrative Coordinator 4

Department: Office of the Dean - Education and Human Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 105

Phone: 318.257.3229

Email: dlee@latech.edu

Mary M. Livingston Ph.D.


Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 116C

Phone: 318.257.2292

Email: maryml@latech.edu

Mrs. Diane Madden

Associate Director, Science and Technology Education Center

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: dmadden@latech.edu

Dr. Elizabeth Manning

Associate Professor

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 111C

Phone: 318.257.2967

Email: lmanning@latech.edu

Dr. Bryan McCoy

Associate Professor

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 200D

Phone: 318.257.2585

Email: bmccoy@latech.edu

Kacie Mennie Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 114B

Phone: 318.257.4131

Email: kmennie@latech.edu

Kelsey Moeller

Director, ECEC

Departments: Early Childhood Education Center (ECEC), Human Ecology

Office: ECEC

Phone: 318.257.2607

Email: kmoeller@latech.edu

Dr. George Noflin Jr.

Assistant Professor, Director of Call Me Mister

Office: Woodard Hall 211C

Phone: 318.257.3923

Fax: 318.257.2960

Email: gnoflin@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Andrew Parks PhD

Assistant Professor

Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 303

Phone: 318.257.2736

Email: parksac@latech.edu

Henrietta Williams Pichon Ph.D.


Department: Office of the Dean - Education and Human Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 101A

Phone: 318.257.3712

Email: hpichon@latech.edu

Mrs. Nicole Postel

Lab School Librarian

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 122

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: npostel@aep.latech.edu

Mu Qiao PhD

Associate Professor

Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 308

Phone: 318.257.5467

Email: mqiao@latech.edu

Molly Rainwater

Coordinator of Strategic Learning Partnerships, SciTEC

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: mhill@latech.edu

Dianne V. Reed

Administrative Assistant III

Office: Woodard Hall 203

Phone: 318.257.4609

Email: dreed@latech.edu

C. Smiley Reeves MS


Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 304

Phone: 318.257.5459

Email: creeves@latech.edu

Rosemary N Reeves

Assistant to Director

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 110

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: rreeves@aep.latech.edu

Alison Reichter PhD

Assistant Professor

Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 223

Phone: 318.257.3280

Email: reichter@latech.edu

Emma Richardson

Student Retention Specialist

Department: Office of the Dean - Education and Human Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 104

Phone: 318.257.2608

Email: emma@latech.edu

Norman Rivera MA, LPC

Lab School Counselor

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 116

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: nrivera@aep.latech.edu

Casey Robertson

Adjunct Instructor

Department: Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness

Office: Woodard Hall 210

Phone: 318.257.4554

Email: caseyr@latech.edu

Dr. Pam Rollins

Associate Professor

Department: Human Ecology

Office: WOOH 212B

Phone: 318.257.3034

Email: prollins@latech.edu

Dr. Julie Rutledge

Professor, ENRICH Director

Departments: Education and Research in Children's Health Center (ENRICH Center), Human Ecology

Office: WOOH 211B

Phone: 318.257.4456

Fax: 318.257.4014

Email: rutledge@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Mrs. Patty Scheaffer

Lab School Teacher, 5th Grade

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Phone: 318.257.3469

Email: pattys@aep.latech.edu

Donald N. Schillinger Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 111D

Phone: 318.257.2676

Email: dschill@latech.edu

Tilman L. Sheets Ph.D.


Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 217

Phone: 318.257.3008

Email: tilman@latech.edu

Julie Knippers Shrubb

Coordinator, Research, Outreach, and Innovation (ROI) & SciTEC

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137C

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: jshrubb@latech.edu

Dr. Richard G. Shrubb

Associate Professor, and Coordinator of the Ed.D. Program

Office: Woodard Hall 200-B

Phone: 318.257.2045

Email: rshrubb@latech.edu

Kristen Sims

O&M Instructor

Department: Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness

Office: Woodard Hall 210

Phone: 318.257.4554

Email: ksims@latech.edu

Vishesh Singh MS


Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 108

Phone: 318.257.2148

Email: vsingh@latech.edu

Stephanie Smart MS, LAT, ATC, CES

Adjunct Faculty Member – Associate Athletic Trainer

Departments: Athletics, Kinesiology

Office: Athletic Training Room

Email: ssmart@latech.edu

Tara Spridco

Literacy Project Support Staff

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: tspridco@latech.edu

Dr. Lynne Stratton

Associate Professor

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 200C

Phone: 318.257.5450

Email: stratton@latech.edu

Terri Sullivan

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 110

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: terris@aep.latech.edu

David Szymanski PhD

Department Chair, Professor

Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 205

Phone: 318.257.4432

Email: dszyman@latech.edu

Jessica Szymanski MEd


Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 307

Phone: 318.257.2071

Email: jszyman@latech.edu

Lijo Thomas

Adjunct Faculty

Phone: 318.614.0444

Email: lijot@latech.edu

Anne Thompson

Manager of Budget & Administrative Assistant

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 110

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: anne@aep.latech.edu

Steven R. Toaddy Ph.D.

Department Head of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Associate Professor

Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 120A

Phone: 318.257.5066

Email: toaddy@latech.edu

Aimee Turner

Research Coordinator

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137

Phone: 318.257.2128

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: aimeeturner@latech.edu

Mrs. Suzanne Tyler

Lab School Teacher, Gym

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 130

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: styler@aep.latech.edu

Dr. Tonya Vandenbrink

Assistant Professor

Department: Human Ecology

Office: WOOH 212C

Phone: 318.257.2713

Email: Vandenb@latech.edu

Mrs. Gail VanDenLangenberg

Lab School Teacher, 4th Grade

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 151

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: gailvan@aep.latech.edu

Dr. Amy Vessel

Associate Professor, Director Clinical and Professional Experiences

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 214

Phone: 318.257.5451

Email: avessel@latech.edu

Dr. Lindsey Vincent

Associate Dean for Research, Outreach, and Innovation – Education and Human Sciences; Director – SciTEC

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: lbkv@latech.edu

Kelli Wade

Administrative Assistant

Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 119

Phone: 318.257.5066

Email: kwade@latech.edu

Mrs. Claudia Wagner

Lab School Teacher, Kindergarten

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 141

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: cwagner@aep.latech.edu

Jeffrey J. Walczyk Ph.D.


Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 114E

Phone: 318.257.3004

Email: walczyk@latech.edu

Cayla Walker

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Office of the Dean - Education and Human Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 101

Phone: 318.257.3322

Email: caylaw@latech.edu

Mrs. Jada Walsworth

Lab School Teacher, 3rd Grade

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 153

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: walsworth@aep.latech.edu

Dr. Dustin S. Whitlock

be Interim Department Chair of Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 203A

Phone: 318.257.4609

Email: whitlock@latech.edu

Mrs. Stephanie Whitten

Assistant Director of Elementary

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 123

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: swhitten@aep.latech.edu

Mrs. DeEtte Wick

Lab School Teacher, Middle School ELA

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 127

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: dwick@aep.latech.edu

Mrs. Challys Williams

Lab School Para Professional

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A. E. Phillips 154

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: challysw@aep.latech.edu

Missy Wooley

STEM Outreach Coordinator, SciTEC

Department: Science and Technology Education Center

Office: Woodard Hall 137D

Phone: 318.257.2866

Fax: 318.257.4753

Email: mwooley@latech.edu

Mrs. Haley Wynne

Lab School Teacher, 2nd

Department: A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

Office: A.E. Phillips 159

Phone: 318.257.3469

Fax: 318.257.3676

Email: hwynne@aep.latech.edu

Dong Xie Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Office: Woodard Hall 117C

Phone: 318.257.2271

Email: dxie@latech.edu

Junhai Xu PhD

Assistant Professor

Department: Kinesiology

Office: Scotty Robertson Memorial Gym Room 236

Phone: 318.257.5466

Email: jxu@latech.edu

Dr. Amy Yates

Interim Director, Professor, Sue Huckaby Endowed Professorship

Department: Human Ecology

Office: WOOH 209A

Phone: 318.257.4412

Fax: 318.257.4014

Email: yates@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile