Alphabetical listing

Dr. Tina L. Allen

Assessment Coordinator, Assistant Professor

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 200-E

Phone: 318.257.3923

Email: tallen@latech.edu

Mrs. Belinda Leigh Birch

Clinical Residency and Recruitment Center Coordinator

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 214

Phone: 318.257.2661

Email: CRRC@latech.edu

Mr. Christopher Campbell

UTeachTech Master Teacher

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 138A

Phone: 318.257.2866

Email: ctc@latech.edu

Tonya Ezell

Administrative Assistant III

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 203

Phone: 318.257.4609

Email: tezell@latech.edu

Dr. Lisa Flanders-Dick

Professional in Residence

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 129D

Phone: 318.257.2561

Email: ldick@latech.edu

Dr. Joanne Hood

Assistant Professor

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 200B

Phone: 318.257.4940

Email: jhood@latech.edu

Dr. Patsy A. Hughey

Assistant Professor

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 200A

Phone: 318.257.2849

Email: phughey@latech.edu

Dr. Kimberly Kimbell-Lopez


Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 111B

Phone: 318.257.2982

Email: kklopez@latech.edu

Dr. Elizabeth Manning

Associate Professor

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 111C

Phone: 318.257.2967

Email: lmanning@latech.edu

Dr. Bryan McCoy

Associate Professor

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 200D

Phone: 318.257.2585

Email: bmccoy@latech.edu

Donald N. Schillinger Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 111D

Phone: 318.257.2676

Email: dschill@latech.edu

Dr. Lynne Stratton

Associate Professor

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 200C

Phone: 318.257.5450

Email: stratton@latech.edu

Dr. Amy Vessel

Associate Professor, Director Clinical and Professional Experiences

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 214

Phone: 318.257.5451

Email: avessel@latech.edu

Dr. Dustin S. Whitlock

be Interim Department Chair of Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Department: Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

Office: Woodard Hall 203A

Phone: 318.257.4609

Email: whitlock@latech.edu