Alphabetical listing

Dr. Mary Caldorera-Moore

Academic Director of Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology and Industrial Engineering, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Industrial Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering Technology, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: BMEB 208, IESB 129

Phone: 318.257.2207

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: mcmoore@latech.edu

Dr. Elisa Castagnola

Assistant Professor

Department: Biomedical Engineering

Office: 211 BMEB

Phone: 318.257.2840

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: elisa@LaTech.edu

Dr. Mark DeCoster

Professor, Associate Director

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Institute for Micromanufacturing, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology

Office: BMEB 210 | IFMM 212

Phone: 318.257.5118

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: decoster@latech.edu

Dr. Hisham Hegab

Interim Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Professor Emeritus

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Undergraduate Studies Office

Office: IESB 101

Phone: 318.257.2684

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: hhegab@latech.edu

Dr. Bryant Hollins

Senior Lecturer

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences

Office: BMEB 207

Phone: 318.257.5236

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: bhollins@latech.edu

Dr. Steven Jones

Associate Professor

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences

Office: BMEB 206

Phone: 318.257.2288

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: sajones@latech.edu

Dr. Teresa Murray

Academic Director for Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Sciences, Chemical Engineering

Office: BMEB 203

Phone: 318.257.5237

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: tmurray@latech.edu

Gina Palmer

Administrative Coordinator 4

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering

Office: BMED 103

Phone: 318.257.2430

Fax: 318.257.4000

Email: gpalmer@latech.edu

Dr. Louis Reis

Program Chair of Biomedical Engineering and Senior Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering

Departments: Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering

Office: BMEB 212

Phone: 318.257.2954

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: lgreis@latech.edu