Alphabetical listing

Dr. Thomas J. Bowman


Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 149

Phone: 318.257.4483

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: tbowman@latech.edu

Dr. Kevin Cherry

Senior Lecturer

Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 239

Phone: 318.257.2920

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: drcherry@latech.edu

Dr. Pradeep Chowriappa

Associate Professor

Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 115

Phone: 318.257.4612

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: pradeep@latech.edu

Joshua Coriell


Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 237

Phone: 318.257.2743

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: coriell@latech.edu

Dr. Zakaria El-Awadi


Department: Computer Science

Office: IESB 215

Phone: 318.257.4641

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: zelawadi@latech.edu

Dr. Miguel Gates

Program Chair, Senior Lecturer

Departments: Computer Science, Cyber Engineering, MALT Center

Office: NETH 145

Phone: 318.257.2147

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: mgates@latech.edu

Dr. William Bradley Glisson

Associate Professor

Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 155

Phone: 318.257.4715

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: glisson@latech.edu

Jonathan Hyde


Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 141

Phone: 318.257.2919

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: jhyde@latech.edu

Dr. Ankunda Kiremire

Program Chair, Senior Lecturer

Department: Computer Science

Office: IESB 221

Phone: 318.257.2262

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: kiremire@latech.edu

Dr. Manki Min

Associate Professor

Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 245

Phone: 318.257.2916

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: mankimin@latech.edu

Nikolas Morgan


Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 247

Phone: 318.257.4301

Email: nmorgan@latech.edu

Dr. Michael O’Neal

Academic Director for Computer Science, Cyber Engineering, and Electrical Engineering, Professor

Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 121

Phone: 318.257.2931

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: mike@latech.edu

Kyle Prather

Professional-in-residence and Instructor

Department: Computer Science

Office: NETH 117

Phone: 318.257.2080

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: kprather@latech.edu

Christian Smith


Departments: Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics

Office: IESB 213

Phone: 318.257.2644

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: crsmith@latech.edu

Marsha Smith

Administrative Assistant 3, Property Custodian

Departments: Computer Science, Cyber Engineering, Electrical Engineering

Office: NETH 123

Phone: 318.257.2317

Fax: 318.257.2562

Email: msmith@latech.edu

John Spurgeon

Adjunct Instructor

Department: Computer Science