Alphabetical listing

Dee Alexander

Collaborative Artist

Department: School of Music

Office: HCPA 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: jeptica@latech.edu

Mark Allen


Department: Communication Studies

Office: Davison Hall 207C

Phone: 318.257.2459

Email: marka@latech.edu

Dr. David Anderson

Associate Professor

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTMH 114A

Phone: 318.257.5253

Email: davida@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Christobel Asiedu

Associate Professor

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTMH 127C

Phone: 318.257.4143

Email: casiedu@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Nazir Atassi

Assistant Professor

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTMH 138

Phone: 318.257.5484

Email: aatassi@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Kaden Beilman

Assistant Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 228

Email: kbeilman@latech.edu

Jerry Berg

Associate Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: F.J. Taylor Visual Arts Center B18

Phone: 318.257.4476

Email: jberg@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Benjamin Bergholtz

Assistant Professor

Department: School of Literature and Language

Phone: 318.257.3563

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: bberg@latech.edu

Shayla Lynn Blake

Instructor, Songwriting and Flute; Staff Accompanist

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 331

Phone: 318.257.2458

Email: sblake@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Robert Brooks

Associate Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 213

Phone: 318.257.5256

Email: mbrooks@latech.edu

Dr. Paula W. Brown

Writing Center Coordinator

Departments: School of Literature and Language, Student Services and Academic Support

Office: Wyly 325

Phone: 318.257.4477

Fax: 318.257.2030

Email: pbrown@latech.edu

Cain Budds D.M.A.

Professor of Music/Guitar

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 324

Phone: 318.257.3655

Email: cbudds@latech.edu

Nick Bustamante


Department: School of Design

Office: F.J. Taylor Visual Art Center 115B

Phone: 318.257.3478

Email: nbustama@latech.edu

Damon Caldwell

Graduate Coordinator, Associate Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 219

Phone: 318.257.5259

Email: caldwell@latech.edu

Jarmaine Caldwell

Adjunct Instructor of Horn

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: jarmaine@latech.edu

Guy Carwile


Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 214

Phone: 318.257.5257

Email: carwile@latech.edu

Stephanie Carwile

Assistant Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 222

Phone: 318.257.5266

Email: scarwile@latech.edu

Dr. Irene Casas


Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTMH 144

Phone: 318.257.2774

Email: icasas@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Anne Case-Bartle


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 230

Phone: 318.257.5497

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: arcase@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Brooke Cassady

Assistant Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: F.J. Taylor Visual Arts Center B16A

Phone: 318.257.3910

Email: bcassady@latech.edu

Whitney Causey

Associate Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: F.J.Taylor Visual Arts Center 107

Phone: 318.257.2233

Email: causey@latech.edu

Cody Chandler

Adjunct Instructor of Class Piano and Music Appreciation

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: cody@latech.edu

Joseph Clark


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 220

Phone: 318.257.5497

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: joclark@latech.edu

Todd Cloe

Workshop Technician

Department: School of Design

Office: AAW 111

Phone: 318.257.5190

Email: thcloe@latech.edu

Kirby Brooks Colvin

Coordinator of Interdisciplinary Studies, Instructor of English

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 116

Phone: 318.257.2456

Email: colvin@latech.edu

Dr. Zhe Cui

Assistant Professor of Communication and Media Studies

Department: Communication Studies

Phone: 318.257.3069

Email: zhecui@latech.edu

Dr. Nicole de Fee

Associate Professor

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 248

Phone: 318.257.5495

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: ndefee@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Brad Deal

Design Build Coordinator, Associate Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 136

Phone: 318.257.5268

Email: braddeal@latech.edu

Dr. Christopher Deal


Department: Communication Studies

Office: Davison 207D

Phone: 318.257.2452

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: cdeal@latech.edu

Dr. Pasquale DePaola

Director, Associate Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 224

Phone: 318.257.5263

Email: pdepaola@latech.edu

Dr. Wade Dillingham

Visiting Assistant Professor of Single Reeds, Director of Jazz Activities

Department: School of Music

Office: BB 201

Phone: 318.257.5472

Email: waded@latech.edu

Sandra Ann Dingler

English adjunct

Department: School of Literature and Language

Phone: 318.742.5346

Email: sdingler@latech.edu

Michele Dormaier


Department: School of Theatre

Office: Howard 102

Phone: 318.257.4693

Fax: 318.257.4571

Email: dormaier@latech.edu

William Doss

Assistant Professor

Department: School of Design

Phone: 318.257.5269

Email: wdoss@latech.edu

Brandi Doucet

Administrative Coordinator

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 236

Phone: 318.257.2719

Email: bhdoucet@latech.edu

Nicole Duet

Associate Professor, Drawing and Painting; Department Chair, Studio Art

Department: School of Design

Office: F.J. Taylor Visual Arts Center 115A

Phone: 318.257.3681

Email: nduet@latech.edu

Mark Duffield

Assistant Professor

Department: Department of Professional Aviation

Office: DAVH 329

Phone: 318.257.2806

Email: duffield@latech.edu

Jake Dugard

Associate Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: F.J. Taylor Visual Arts Center 105

Phone: 318.257.2175

Email: jake@latech.edu

Theresa Duke

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: Department of Professional Aviation

Office: DAVH 320

Phone: 318.257.2691

Email: tduke@latech.edu

Marla Emory

Chair, Interior Design

Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 215

Phone: 318.257.5254

Email: marla@latech.edu

Dr. Brandi Estwick

Instructor of Voice and Diction

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 329

Phone: 318.257.2783

Email: bestwick@latech.edu

Margaret Milam Fowler

Adjunct Instructor of Elementary Methods

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: mmilam@latech.edu

Tom Futrell

Department Chair, Graphic Design

Department: School of Design

Office: F.J. Taylor Visual Arts Center 103 A

Phone: 318.257.2454

Email: tfutrell@latech.edu

Tom Garza

Associate Professor Emeritus

Department: Department of Professional Aviation

Office: DAVH 336

Phone: 318.257.5476

Email: garza@latech.edu

Anthony Goodwin


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 258

Phone: 318.257.5243

Email: agoodwin@latech.edu

Dr. Jacob Gran

Visiting Assistant Professor of Music Theory and Composition

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 226

Phone: 318.257.2063

Email: jgran@latech.edu

Mark Guinn

Director, School of Theatre

Department: School of Theatre

Office: Howard Center for the Performing Arts, Rm 204

Phone: 318.257.2711

Email: mguinn@latech.edu

Dr. Michael W. Habegger

Assistant Professor of Political Science

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTM 112

Phone: 318.257.2890

Email: habegger@latech.edu

Yvonne Hammack-Buck

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: Department of Professional Aviation

Office: Flight Operations

Phone: 318.257.5080

Email: hammackb@latech.edu

Frank Hamrick


Department: School of Design

Office: F.J. Taylor Visual Arts Center B17

Phone: 318.257.4154

Email: fhamrick@latech.edu

Tiera Harris

Administrative Coordinator 3

Office: BOGH 216

Phone: 318-257-2538

Fax: 318-257-2182

Email: tsharris@latech.edu

Carol Harrison

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: charris@latech.edu

Brad Hatley

Instructor of English

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 268

Phone: 318.257.3480

Email: bhatley@latech.edu

Dr. Christopher Paul Heidenreich

Director of Bands, Associate Professor

Department: School of Music

Office: BB 101

Phone: 318.257.4233

Email: cph@latech.edu

Spencer Hudson D.M.A.

Adjunct Instructor of Low Brass and Online Music Appreciation

Department: School of Music

Office: HCPA 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: spencerh@latech.edu

Dr. Dolliann Hurtig


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 216

Phone: 318.257.5493

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: dhurtig@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Laura Ighade


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: G.T. Madison Hall 270

Phone: 318.257.3368

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: lighade@latech.edu

Michelle Green Jimmerson

Instructor of English

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 214

Phone: 318.257.5491

Email: michelle@latech.edu

Dr. Nathan Katz

Assistant Professor of Sociology

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTM 146

Phone: 318.257.5485

Email: nkatz@latech.edu

Ms. Jennifer King

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTM 137

Phone: 318.257.2872

Email: jeking@latech.edu

Isabel Lamptey EdD


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 264

Phone: 318.257.5245

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: ilamptey@latech.edu

Michael LeBlanc

Instructor, Communication and Media Studies

Department: Communication Studies

Office: Robinson Hall 219

Phone: 318.257.3201

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: mleblanc@latech.edu

Dr. Scott Levin

Assistant Professor of English

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 250

Phone: 318.257.2113

Email: slevin@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Celia M. Lewis

Charlyne Smith Wyche Endowed Professor of English, Coordinator of Composition and Dual Enrollment English Facilitator

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 232

Phone: 318.257.5498

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: clewis@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Ms. Amy R. Lionberger


Department: Communication Studies

Office: Davison Hall 209C

Phone: 318.257.2443

Email: arlion@latech.edu

David Lloyd

Adjunct Instructor of Electric Bass

Department: School of Music

Office: HCPA 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: dlloyd@latech.edu

Dr. Gregory Lyons

Associate Professor, Percussion; Assistant Director of Bands James Alvey Smith Endowed Professor

Department: School of Music

Office: BB102

Phone: 318.257.5470

Email: glyons@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Jordan Lyons

Associate Professor, Louis Waller Endowed Professorship

Department: Department of Professional Aviation

Office: DAVH 334

Phone: 318.257.2349

Email: jordan@latech.edu

Dr. Taylor E. Mack

Associate Professor of Geography

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTM 127B

Phone: 318.257.4741

Email: tmack@latech.edu

Dr. Bruce R. Magee

Associate Professor of Literature and Language

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 222

Phone: 318.257.5494

Email: bmagee@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Todd Maggio

Associate Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: F.J. Taylor Visual Arts Center 115C

Phone: 318.257.3328

Email: maggio@latech.edu

Clark Malchow


Department: School of Design

Phone: 318.257.5269

Email: cmalchow@latech.edu

Kara Mathis

Instructor, Communication and Media Studies

Department: Communication Studies

Office: Robinson 218

Phone: 318.257.3195

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: karam@latech.edu

Rachel McDonald

Assistant Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: F. Jay Taylor Visual Arts Center B16B

Email: rachelm@latech.edu

Zachary McIntyre

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: School of Design

Office: F. Jay Taylor Visual Arts Center 113

Email: zacharym@latech.edu

Dr. Andrew C. McKevitt

Associate Professor

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTM 120

Phone: 318.257.5480

Email: mckevitt@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Jeremy Mhire

Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Professor

Departments: Office of the Associate Dean - CoLA, School of History and Social Science, Waggonner Center

Office: GTM 104

Phone: 318.257.2660

Email: jmhire@latech.edu

Dr. M. Steele Moegle

Interim School of Music Director, Associate Professor, Piano

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 227

Phone: 318.257.5275

Email: mmoegle@latech.edu

Matthew “Monty” Montgomery

Department Chair

Department: Department of Professional Aviation

Office: DAVH 320

Phone: 318.257.2691

Email: matthewm@latech.edu

Daniel Moore

Assistant Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: F. Jay Taylor Visual Arts Center 117

Phone: 318.257.2240

Email: dmoore@latech.edu

Dr. Matthew Morse

Lecturer, Communication and Media Studies

Department: Communication Studies

Phone: 318.257.2548

Email: mmorse@latech.edu

Dr. Paul Nelson

Professor of Spanish, Coordinator of the International Studies Minor

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 266

Phone: 318.257.5246

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: pnelson@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Jon Pearson

Associate Professor

Department: Department of Professional Aviation

Office: DAVH 330

Phone: 318.257.5474

Email: jpearson@latech.edu

Richard Pentimonti

Adjunct Professor

Department: Department of Professional Aviation

Office: DAVH 320

Phone: 318.257.2691

Email: rjpenti@latech.edu

Dr. Jason Pigg

Associate Professor of Political Science

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTM 134

Phone: 318.257.5483

Email: jpigg@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Karl Puljak

Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Associate Professor of Architecture

Departments: Office of the Dean - CoLA, School of Design

Office: GTM 102

Phone: 318.257.4805

Email: puljak@latech.edu

Dr. Kary Randall

Associate Professor

Department: Department of Professional Aviation

Office: DAVH 340

Phone: 318.257.5478

Email: kary@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Tara Raue

Instructor, Communication and Media Studies

Department: Communication Studies

Office: Davison 209A

Phone: 318.257.2442

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: tara@latech.edu

Andrew Ray

Adjunct Instructor

Department: School of Theatre

Office: HCPA 202

Phone: 318.257.2062

Email: adray@latech.edu

Dr. Elizabeth Rennick

Adjunct Instructor of Double Reeds

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: erennick@latech.edu

Jeremy Reynolds Ph.D

Associate Professor – Theatre

Department: School of Theatre

Office: HCPA 104

Phone: 318.257.5270

Email: reynolds@latech.edu

Vanna Richardson

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: Communication Studies

Office: Robinson Hall 211

Phone: 318.257.2433

Email: vannar@latech.edu

Laura Ritter


Department: School of Literature and Language

Phone: 318.257.2719

Email: lritter@latech.edu

Dr. Susan Roach

Professor of English, Emerita

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 284

Phone: 318.257.2728

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: msroach@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Dorothy Dodge Robbins

Charlotte Lewis Endowed Professor of English

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 240

Phone: 318.257.5488

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: drobbins@latech.edu

Dr. Judith Roberts

Associate Professor, Communication and Media Studies

Department: Communication Studies

Office: Robinson 212

Phone: 318.257.4907

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: jroberts@latech.edu

Rick Rowell D.M.A.

Adjunct Instructor of Trumpet

Department: School of Music

Office: HCPA 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: rdrowell@latech.edu

Dr. Ernest Paul Rufleth

Director, School of Literature and Language, Mabel and Doug Maguire Endowed Associate Professor of English

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 236

Phone: 318.257.2355

Email: erufleth@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Brenda Savage

Associate Professor of Sociology

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTMH 136

Phone: 318.257.4804

Email: bsavage@latech.edu

Dr. Greg Schelonka


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 272

Phone: 318.257.5248

Email: gregory@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Cherrie A. Sciro

Coordinator of Theatre

Department: School of Theatre

Office: Howard Auditorum 304 A

Phone: 318.257.5274

Email: lulu@latech.edu

Robert Sharp

Music Industry Coordinator, Lecturer

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 325

Phone: 318.257.4109

Email: rsharp@latech.edu

Dr. Erin Singer

Associate Professor of English

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 206

Phone: 318.257.3939

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: esinger@latech.edu

Kevin Singh

Architecture Program Chair, Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 317

Phone: 318.257.5267

Email: ksingh@latech.edu

Joey Slaughter


Department: School of Design

Office: F.J. Taylor Visual Arts Center 108

Phone: 318.257.2460

Email: joey@latech.edu

Genaro Ky Ly Smith

Instructor, Writer

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 208

Phone: 318.257.3027

Email: gsmith@latech.edu

Dr. Megan R Smith

Debate Coach

Department: Communication Studies

Office: Robinson Hall 220

Phone: 318.257.3196

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: megan@latech.edu

Borys Smolaga

Adjunct Instructor of Strings

Department: School of Music

Office: BB 204

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: bsmolaga@latech.edu

Adrianna Speer

Visiting Assistant Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: F. Jay Taylor Visual Arts Center B16C

Email: aspeer@latech.edu

Dr. Mary Springer

Assistant Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: F.J Taylor Visual Arts Center, B01

Phone: 318.257.2175

Email: marys@latech.edu

Dori St. Amant


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 228

Phone: 318.257.3678

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: dstamant@latech.edu

Dr. Kirk St.Amant

Professor, Eunice C. Williamson Endowed Chair, Director of Center for Health and Medical Communication, Coordinator of Graduate Studies in English

Departments: Center for Health and Medical Communication, School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 278

Phone: 318.257.5490

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: stamantk@latech.edu

Kristi Stake

Instructor Communication and Media Studies

Department: Communication Studies

Office: Davison Hall 207A

Phone: 318.257.2431

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: kstake@latech.edu

Cleve Stevens

Instructor, Communication and Media Studies

Department: Communication Studies

Office: Davison Hall 207B

Phone: 318.257.2432

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: cleve@latech.edu

Christine Strebeck


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 256

Phone: 318.257.5242

Fax: 318.257.4376

Email: strebeck@latech.edu

Dr. V. Elaine Thompson

Associate Professor and Coordinator, Department of History

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTMH 110

Phone: 318.257.2144

Email: elainet@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Nicholas Todd

Instructor of English

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 226

Phone: 318.257.5496

Email: ntodd@latech.edu

Nathan Trahan

Interim Director of Choral Activities and Vocal Music Education

Department: School of Music

Office: HCPA 221

Phone: 318.257.2061

Email: ntrahan@latech.edu

Alli Treece

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: School of Design

Dr. WeiShu Tsai

Assistant Professor of Voice, Voice Area Coordinator

Department: School of Music

Office: HCPA 327

Phone: 318.257.2060

Email: wtsai@latech.edu

Kimberly Anne Tucker


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTMH 252

Phone: 318.257.5241

Email: ktucker@latech.edu

Alana Wagner


Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 212

Phone: 318.257.5489

Email: acwagner@latech.edu

Daphne Washington

Instructor, Speech Pathology, AAC Specialist

Department: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Office: Robinson Hall 120

Phone: 318.257.2539

Fax: 318.257.4492

Email: daphnew@latech.edu

Kendell Webb

Visiting Assistant Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 226

Phone: 318.257.5260

Email: kwebb@latech.edu

Kathleen Wells

Administrative Assistant IV

Department: Office of the Dean - CoLA

Office: GTM 102A

Phone: 318.257.4805

Email: kwells@latech.edu

Nancy Rebecca White

Lagniappe Advisor

Department: Communication Studies

Phone: 318.245.8470

Email: beckyw@latech.edu

Dr. Joseph Williams

Assistant Professor – Technical Writing

Department: School of Literature and Language

Office: GTM 224

Phone: 318.257.5500

Email: jwill@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Michael Williams

Assistant Professor

Department: School of Design

Office: Hale 221

Phone: 318.257.5255

Email: michaelw@latech.edu

Dr. John Worsencroft

Associate Professor of History, Director of the School of History and Social Science

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTMH 137

Phone: 318.257.3883

Email: johnw@latech.edu