Alphabetical listing

Dr. David Anderson

Associate Professor

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTMH 114A

Phone: 318.257.5253

Email: davida@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Christobel Asiedu

Associate Professor

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTMH 127C

Phone: 318.257.4143

Email: casiedu@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Nazir Atassi

Assistant Professor

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTMH 138

Phone: 318.257.5484

Email: aatassi@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Irene Casas


Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTMH 144

Phone: 318.257.2774

Email: icasas@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Michael W. Habegger

Assistant Professor of Political Science

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTM 112

Phone: 318.257.2890

Email: habegger@latech.edu

Dr. Nathan Katz

Assistant Professor of Sociology

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTM 146

Phone: 318.257.5485

Email: nkatz@latech.edu

Ms. Jennifer King

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTM 137

Phone: 318.257.2872

Email: jeking@latech.edu

Dr. Taylor E. Mack

Associate Professor of Geography

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTM 127B

Phone: 318.257.4741

Email: tmack@latech.edu

Dr. Andrew C. McKevitt

Associate Professor

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTM 120

Phone: 318.257.5480

Email: mckevitt@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Jeremy Mhire

Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Professor

Departments: Office of the Associate Dean - CoLA, School of History and Social Science, Waggonner Center

Office: GTM 104

Phone: 318.257.2660

Email: jmhire@latech.edu

Dr. Jason Pigg

Associate Professor of Political Science

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTM 134

Phone: 318.257.5483

Email: jpigg@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. Brenda Savage

Associate Professor of Sociology

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTMH 136

Phone: 318.257.4804

Email: bsavage@latech.edu

Dr. V. Elaine Thompson

Associate Professor and Coordinator, Department of History

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTMH 110

Phone: 318.257.2144

Email: elainet@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. John Worsencroft

Associate Professor of History, Director of the School of History and Social Science

Department: School of History and Social Science

Office: GTMH 137

Phone: 318.257.3883

Email: johnw@latech.edu