Alphabetical listing

Dee Alexander

Collaborative Artist

Department: School of Music

Office: HCPA 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: jeptica@latech.edu

Shayla Lynn Blake

Instructor, Songwriting and Flute; Staff Accompanist

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 331

Phone: 318.257.2458

Email: sblake@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Cain Budds D.M.A.

Professor of Music/Guitar

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 324

Phone: 318.257.3655

Email: cbudds@latech.edu

Jarmaine Caldwell

Adjunct Instructor of Horn

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: jarmaine@latech.edu

Cody Chandler

Adjunct Instructor of Class Piano and Music Appreciation

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: cody@latech.edu

Dr. Wade Dillingham

Visiting Assistant Professor of Single Reeds, Director of Jazz Activities

Department: School of Music

Office: BB 201

Phone: 318.257.5472

Email: waded@latech.edu

Dr. Brandi Estwick

Instructor of Voice and Diction

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 329

Phone: 318.257.2783

Email: bestwick@latech.edu

Margaret Milam Fowler

Adjunct Instructor of Elementary Methods

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: mmilam@latech.edu

Dr. Jacob Gran

Visiting Assistant Professor of Music Theory and Composition

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 226

Phone: 318.257.2063

Email: jgran@latech.edu

Carol Harrison

Administrative Coordinator III

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: charris@latech.edu

Dr. Christopher Paul Heidenreich

Director of Bands, Associate Professor

Department: School of Music

Office: BB 101

Phone: 318.257.4233

Email: cph@latech.edu

Spencer Hudson D.M.A.

Adjunct Instructor of Low Brass and Online Music Appreciation

Department: School of Music

Office: HCPA 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: spencerh@latech.edu

David Lloyd

Adjunct Instructor of Electric Bass

Department: School of Music

Office: HCPA 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: dlloyd@latech.edu

Dr. Gregory Lyons

Associate Professor, Percussion; Assistant Director of Bands James Alvey Smith Endowed Professor

Department: School of Music

Office: BB102

Phone: 318.257.5470

Email: glyons@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dr. M. Steele Moegle

Interim School of Music Director, Associate Professor, Piano

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 227

Phone: 318.257.5275

Email: mmoegle@latech.edu

Dr. Elizabeth Rennick

Adjunct Instructor of Double Reeds

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: erennick@latech.edu

Rick Rowell D.M.A.

Adjunct Instructor of Trumpet

Department: School of Music

Office: HCPA 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: rdrowell@latech.edu

Robert Sharp

Music Industry Coordinator, Lecturer

Department: School of Music

Office: HC 325

Phone: 318.257.4109

Email: rsharp@latech.edu

Borys Smolaga

Adjunct Instructor of Strings

Department: School of Music

Office: BB 204

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: bsmolaga@latech.edu

Nathan Trahan

Interim Director of Choral Activities and Vocal Music Education

Department: School of Music

Office: HCPA 221

Phone: 318.257.2061

Email: ntrahan@latech.edu

Dr. WeiShu Tsai

Assistant Professor of Voice, Voice Area Coordinator

Department: School of Music

Office: HCPA 327

Phone: 318.257.2060

Email: wtsai@latech.edu