Alphabetical listing

Teddy Allen


Department: University Communications

Office: WYLT 1225

Phone: 318.257.4854

Email: teddy@latech.edu

Kelly Cole

Advancement Communication Specialist

Department: University Communications

Office: Wyly Tower 1225

Phone: 318.257.4854

Email: kcole@latech.edu

Mark Coleman

Digital Designer

Department: University Communications

Office: Wyly Tower 1225

Phone: 318.257.2091

Email: mcoleman@latech.edu

Cami Geisman

Executive Vice President for External Affairs

Departments: Office of the President, University Communications

Office: Wyly 1634

Phone: 225.202.0870

Email: cgeisman@latech.edu

Gavin Kelly

Associate Director of Communications

Department: University Communications

Office: Wyly Tower 1225

Phone: 318.257.4857

Email: gkelly@latech.edu

Emerald McIntyre

Digital Storyteller – Photographer

Department: University Communications

Office: WYLT 1225

Phone: 318.257.2093

Email: emerald@latech.edu

Brian Mulhair

Application Analyst Developer

Departments: Computing Center, Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning, University Communications

Office: Wyly Tower 123

Phone: 318.257.2893

Email: mulhair@latech.edu

Elena Parker

Creative Services Manager, Licensing and Trademark Manager

Department: University Communications

Office: Wyly Tower 1225

Phone: 318.257.4854

Fax: 318.257.4938

Email: eparker@latech.edu

Harleigh Price

Digital Storyteller – Video

Department: University Communications

Office: Wyly Tower 1225

Phone: 318.257.4854

Email: hprice@latech.edu

Tom Soto

Director of Brand Strategy

Department: University Communications

Office: WYLT 1225

Phone: 318.257.4854

Email: tsoto@latech.edu

University Communications

Department: University Communications