Alphabetical listing

Deborah K. Butts

Administrative Assistant III

Department: Graduate School

Office: Wyly Tower 1203

Phone: 318.257.2924

Fax: 318.257.4487

Email: dbutts@latech.edu

Michelle Byrd

Instructor/ Adviser

Department: Barksdale Instructional Site

Office: Education Center, Building 4314, Room 308

Phone: 318.456.5004

Fax: 318.741.7386

Email: Mbyrd@latech.edu

Mr. Joshua Chovanec

Assistant Vice President – Student Systems and University Registrar

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: joshuac@latech.edu

Tracy Crawford

Administrative Coordinator 4

Department: AFROTC

Phone: 318.257.4742

Email: tracyc@latech.edu

Ms. Mary Susannah Farrar

Deputy Registrar/NCAA Certification Officer

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: mfarrar@latech.edu

Capt Joshua Field

Ops Flight Commander

Department: AFROTC

Office: Wyly Tower 1421

Phone: 318.257.2740

Email: jfield@latech.edu

Mrs. Cynthia D. Franklin

Registration/Grading Program Manager

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: uscdf@latech.edu

Shana Freeman

Associate Registrar – Scheduling, Reporting and Catalog

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: sfreeman@latech.edu

Joy Gardner

Undergraduate Records Coordinator

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: jgardner@latech.edu

Chrystal Guin

Assistant to the Associate Vice President for Research & Dean of Graduate School, T.L. James Eminent Scholar Chair Professor

Department: Graduate School

Office: Wyly Tower 1207

Phone: 318.257.2924

Email: cguin@latech.edu

Cynthia Sykes Ham

Administrative Coordinator 3

Department: Barksdale Instructional Site

Office: Education Center, Building 4314, Room 312

Phone: 318.456.5005

Fax: 318.741.7386

Email: cindyham@latech.edu

Sharon Jackson

Operations Manager

Phone: 318.674.7537

Email: sharonj@latech.edu

Ashley Johnson

Sr. Associate Registrar and Student Systems Manager

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: ajohnson@latech.edu

Samantha Jordan

Assistant to the Provost

Office: Wyly Tower 1653

Phone: 318.257.4262

Email: samantha@latech.edu

Keri Marie King

Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Document Management

Department: Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning

Office: WYLY 1524

Phone: 318.257.4263

Email: kmking@latech.edu

Leslie Valerie Lofton

Associate Registrar Student Systems Trainer and Curriculum

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2274

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: llofton@latech.edu

Stacy Lynch

Director of Institutional Research and Records Management

Department: Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning

Office: WYLY 1525

Phone: 318.257.2372

Email: slynch@latech.edu

Capt. Bryce Mande

Recruiting Office

Department: AFROTC

Office: Wyly Tower 1416

Phone: 318.257.2740

Email: bmande@latech.edu

Dr. Terry McConathy

Executive Vice President

Department: Office of the President

Office: Wyly Tower 1653

Phone: 318.257.4262

Email: tmm@latech.edu

TSgt. Nicholas Miner

NCOIC, Administration

Department: AFROTC

Office: Wyly Tower 1422

Phone: 318.257.2740

Email: nminer@latech.edu

Ms. Christin Morgan

Customer Service Manager

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: christin@latech.edu

Brian Mulhair

Application Analyst Developer

Departments: Computing Center, Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning, University Communications

Office: Wyly Tower 123

Phone: 318.257.2893

Email: mulhair@latech.edu

Mrs. Terri S. Odenbaugh

Class/Classroom Scheduling Coordinator

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: terrio@latech.edu

Natalie Osborne

Helpdesk Supervisor

Department: Infrastructure and Information Technology

Office: WYLT 155

Phone: 328.257.2893

Fax: 318.257.3645

Email: natalie@latech.edu

Jennifer Peckmore

Senior Records Coordinator

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Email: jenpeck@LATech.edu

Melanie B Peel

Director of Academic Advising Initiatives

Department: Academic Affairs

Office: Wyly 1532

Phone: 318.257.2202

Email: mpeel@latech.edu

Professor B. Ramu Ramachandran

Interim Vice President for Research, Dean of Graduate School

Departments: Center for Applied Physics Studies, Graduate School, Institute for Micromanufacturing, Molecular Science and Nanotechnology, Research

Office: Wyly Tower 1208, Wyly Tower 1642

Phone: 318.257.4304

Fax: 318.257.4487

Email: ramu@latech.edu

Pamela Reeves

Adjunct Instructor of Music Appreciation

Department: Barksdale Instructional Site

Office: HCPA 224

Phone: 318.257.5473

Email: pemory@latech.edu

Emma Richardson

Student Retention Specialist (College of Education)

Office: Woodard Hall 107

Phone: 318.257.2608

Email: emma@latech.edu

Mrs. Sheila W. Sanchez

VA Liaison Coordinator

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: sheilas@latech.edu

Dr. Sheryl S. Shoemaker

Associate Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning

Department: Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning

Office: Wyly Tower 1519/1520

Phone: 318.257.2384

Email: sshoemaker@latech.edu

SelectedWorks Profile

Dianne Slack

Manager, Administrative Services

Department: Computing Center

Phone: 318.257.2893

Fax: 318.257.3645

Email: dslack@latech.edu

Michael Solice

Barksdale Program Coordinator, Assistant Professor

Department: Barksdale Instructional Site

Office: Education Center, Building 4314, Room 312

Phone: 318.456.5008

Fax: 318.741.7386

Email: msolice@latech.edu

Lt. Col. James Sprys

Commander, Air Force ROTC Det 305

Department: AFROTC

Office: Wyly Tower 1419

Phone: 318.257.2740

Email: jsprys@latech.edu

Dr. Joel Stake

Director of the Honors College, Senior Lecturer

Departments: Biological Sciences, Honors College

Office: UNVH 123

Phone: 318.257.2653

Fax: 318.257.4574

Email: jstake@latech.edu

Lauren Suess

Assistant Registrar Technical Operations

Department: Registrar

Office: Keeny Hall 207

Phone: 318.257.2176

Fax: 318.257.4041

Email: suess@latech.edu

Ms. Ashton Thomas

Student Experience Coordinator

Department: Honors College

Office: UNVH 119

Phone: 318.257.3282

Email: Ashton@LATech.edu

Donna B. Thomas Ph.D.

Provost, Vice President for Academic Affairs

Department: Athletics Council

Office: 1653 Wyly Tower

Phone: 318.257.4262

Email: dthomas@latech.edu

Carol Thompson

Transition and Development Assistant

Office: Academic Success Center 5770

Phone: 318.383.5770

Email: cethomp@latech.edu

Sandesh Tiwari

Database Administrator

Department: Computing Center

Phone: 318.257.2893

Email: tiwari@latech.edu

Van Tran Le

Assistant Dean of Graduate School

Department: Graduate School

Office: Wyly Tower 1207

Phone: 318.257.2924

Email: vtran@latech.edu

Jerona Washington

Director of Online Learning Initiatives and the Academic Success Center

Department: Tech Online

Office: Administrative Suite 408

Phone: 318.383.5762

Email: jerona@latech.edu

Leslie Welch

Student Retention Specialist (College of Applied and Natural Sciences)

Office: WYLT 1123

Phone: 318.257.2832

Email: lwelch@latech.edu

TSgt Iliyaas M. Zia Al-Haaq Yazid

NCOIC of Personnel

Department: AFROTC

Phone: 318.257.2740

Email: iyazid@latech.edu