Louisiana Tech University Senate – November Minutes

Monday, November 15 at 4:00-5:00 pm, Wyly Auditorium

  1. Call to Order – The November 15, 2021 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:00 p.m. in Wyly Auditorium/Zoom Session by President, Louis Reis.
  2. Welcome – President, Louis Reis, COES
  3. Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell recorded the attendees as they logged into Zoom as well as those that attended in person; a quorum was met
  4. Approval of October 2021 Minutes – a motion to approve the minutes was made by Joanna Ward; all approved
  5. Q & A with Tom Hoover, Chief Information Officer
    1. Discussed the safety of personal information on external servers
      1. Certain rules are set into place for access to this “need to know” information
      2. IT member manages permission rules for Workday
      3. Use of Duo authentication to verify that the individual is the only one that can access their personal information
      4. User education will be coming forward
      5. Microsoft A5 equals increased security
      6. The cloud has more functionality than the mainframe
      7. Restricting access for those that move offices/leave the university
    2. Discussed where we are headed in the future
      1. Focus is on things that everyone deals with on a regular basis
      2. Email communication going out to faculty/staff this week
      3. Aging old network to be replaced
      4. Virtual desktop for remote work (VPN)
      5. Office 365
      6. New positions in IT (ex. Office 365 admin)
      7. Cleaning up old email system
      8. One drive for everything
      9. Legacy storage system
    3. Trying to get funding for the following items
      1. Improved network access
      2. Classroom AV
      3. Wireless in dorms
      4. Outdoor wireless access points
      5. Making sure all classrooms have wireless
      6. Replacing BOSS in a couple of years when Workday Student is utilized
  6.  Policy Updates
    1. Policy 2108 – Evaluation of Faculty
      1. Revision was sent to Dr. McConathy and CADS
      2. No update received
    2. Policy 1301 – Policy on Policies
      1. Revision submitted to APC for their meeting on Thursday, 11/18
    3. Policy 1405 – Evaluation of Administrators
      1. Requesting for policy language to include a larger pool of individuals
      2. Dr. Guice is supportive of this revision; will be discussed at Thursday’s APC meeting

7. Meeting with Dr. Guice

    1. Not much new to report
    2. Still confident that there will be a surplus on the state level
  1. Meeting with Dr. McConathy
    1. Louis Reis and Kathleen Heiden attended the meeting
    2. Shows support for the revision of Policy 1405
    3. Requested that a case report be put together for Policy 2108
  1. Senate Award Reimbursements
    1. Dow Eldridge explained that for any wages received, the IRS requires for appropriate deductions to be taken out
  1. Future Meetings for Louis Reis, University Senate President
    1. APC – Thursday, November 18th
    2. Possible future guests to speak at upcoming senate meetings
      1. Eric Wood – March or April
      2. Sumeet Dua
  2. Committee Updates
  3. Adjournment
    1. The meeting was adjourned at 5:02 p.m. with a motion from John Worsencroft; all approved