Feb. 17, 2020 – Minutes
- Call to Order – The Feb. 17, 2020 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:01 p.m. in Wyly Auditorium by President Michael Swanbom
- Welcome – President, Michael Swanbom, COES
- Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell called roll; a quorum was met
- Approval of January 2020 Minutes – a motion to approve the minutes was made by Louis Reis and seconded by Joan Lynam; all approved
- Updates:
- UNIV 289A – Mikey Swanbom provided an update from Dr. Guice; further information will be provided at a later date but it is anticipated that faculty will be phased out from the class next fall and then full-time staff the following fall
- Office Hours Policy – will need to be ratified at the next APC meeting
- Subcommittee on University Budget – a small subcommittee has been formed within the senate to track budget information on income and expenditures dating as far back as the 2012-2013 academic year
- Proposal for Roth 403B Option – Nina Collum spoke to senate members regarding the option to begin contributing to a 403B. It has been proposed that beginning July 1 employees will be able to make contributions to this plan as it is phased into a payroll deduction option when Workday goes live. George Noflin/Elena Parker made a motion for the senate to support this proposal; all approved.
- Resolution in Support of Committees to Review Policies on Academic Freedom and Due Process for Contingent Faculty – The executive committee provided alternate language to the resolution that was originally proposed at the January meeting. A motion was made by John Worsencroft/Louis Reis to adopt the amended policy with the addition that the committees must provide their results to the senate for review before the recommendations become policy; all approved.
- J. Taylor Nomination Process – a discussion was led concerning updates made to the process of selecting nominations for the three faculty awards given by the senate each year. The updated process would help eliminate or make it less likely for an individual to receive a nomination for more than one award.
- Adjournment to Work in Committees – meeting was adjourned at 4:36 p.m. on a motion by George Noflin/Tara Haskins; all approved