Call to Order – the February 21, 2022 meeting of the University Senate was Called at 4:00 p.m. on Zoom by President, Louis Reis.
Welcome and Opening Remarks – President, Louis Reis, COES
Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell recorded attendance; a quorum was met
Approval of January Minutes – a motion was made by Joanna Ward/Judith Robers all approved
Special Welcome – Russell DeLuca-Kavanagh from Salem State University (Mass.) pursuing a Master of Education, attended meeting
Introduction/Q&A – Dr. Donna Thomas, Chief Academic Director for Partnership
Her new role
Collaboration with individuals and off campus
Growth opportunities for non-traditional learners
Potential for companies/researchers to provide specific programs
Oversees Academic Success Center in Bossier
Looking to define what it will look like going forward
Visit with Deans to see what they envision for growth in programs
John Worsencrft – encouraged her to speak to faculty members that are also eager to have these conversations
Look into online programs; classes on the Bossier campus are not currently held in-person
Tom Stafford – are there ways to make it equitable for commuting faculty to travel to teach(overload/reimbursement)
Dual Enrollment
Have not had a conversation about this program yet; unsure of involvement
Louis Reis – Are there any current projects where we are trying to reclaim territory in North Louisiana that has been lost throughout the years?
Policy Updates
Policy 1405 – Evaluation of Administrators
Request that employees have an annual opportunity to evaluate their immediate supervisor and all administrators above them within each college or division
Spoke with Justin Kavalir
Definition of immediate supervisor varies from college to college
Everyone needs to have the ability to evaluate any supervisor above them
Poll vote taken by APC 2 weeks ago
1 dissent vote; all other approved
Policy 1417 – Nepotism
Senate Executive Committee expressed concerns that the proposed revision has language that might negatively impact faculty who have spouses working in administrative or supervisory roles (that is not the intent of the policy)
The current language can create problems
There are plenty of faculty/staff on campus where spouse serves in a supervisory role
Louis Reis asked Justin Kavalir about the possibility of clarifying the wording of the policy(alter the language)
Processes already in place; the wording will be worked on by Justin by the next APC vote
COVID-19 Updates
Mask-mandate lifted by ULS on 2/16
Studnet Registrations (Stacy Gilbert)
Registration holds are a manual process, not automatic
Rollout of the system was delayed and there were some initial issues
New software was not available until October
Covid-19 case numbers are decreasing in all categories
Chart was provided which included January and February number of new cases
Meeting with Dr. Guice – January 14th
Will meet with Louis Reis this week
Has agreed to speak with the Senate at the March 28th meeting
Ethics/DEI training for faculty/staff
Surplus in state budget; optimistic about faculty/staff raises
Updates from Committees:
Communication – John Worsencrof had no updates
Workload – Kathleen Heiden was unable to attend the meeting
Technology – Tom Stafford – Contract research going on under security classification; Why the concern about surveying the university research system?
Darrell Eddy – the university is required to have an acceptable use policy (most universities have these); will become more stringent in the future
Upcoming Meetings for Louis Reis
Plan to meet with Dr. Summet Dua (Ex. Assoc. VP research Partnerships, CRO)
Will extend an invitation to him to speak with the Senate in April
Plan to meet with Dr. Eric Wood (VP, Athletic Director)
C-USA realignments and new student-athlete initiatives
Plan to meet with Dr. Terry McConathy (Provost)
Continuing talks to address work-load polices
Louis Reis and Kathleen Heiden will be sending out a survey; looking for a university-wide common language to determine work-load units
Possible plan to speak with CADs (pending policy votes in APC)
Panel discussion?
Senate Awards Committee
Volunteer link will be posted on Moodle
Schedule for wars process
Discussion with Lisa Cole to determine best way for distributing stipend awards
Officer Elections
Elections will be conducted in Map (President, VP, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian)
Contact Louis Reis if interested in running for any of the four positions
The meeting was adjourned at 4:57 p.m. by a motion from John Worsencroft/Jane Jacob