Feb. 22, 2021 – Minutes

  1. Call to Order – The February 22, 2021 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:00 p.m. in Wyly Auditorium/Zoom Session by President Michael Swanbom
  2. Welcome – President, Michael Swanbom, COES
  3. Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell recorded the attendees as they logged into Zoom as well as those that attended in person; a quorum was met
  4. Approval of January 2021 Minutes – a motion to approve the minutes was made by Jane Jacob and seconded by Louis Reis; all approved
  5. Remarks from Director of Athletics, Dr. Eric Wood
    1. Personal introduction
    2. Discussed campus culture, mission and vision focus
    3. Campus concerns from faculty
    4. Welcomed feedback regarding student-athletes
    5. Senate members asked Dr. Wood additional questions as time permitted
  1. Review of Senate Feedback from Dr. Guice’s Visit in January
    1. Erin Singer presented survey results that quantified senate members’ reactions to the meeting
    2. Guice has been invited to speak at the May meeting and the senate members will develop a specific list of information that they would like covered
  1. Vision and Dental Open Enrollment Deadline
    1. Mu Qiao and Louis Reis presented information regarding the change this year in the open enrollment process for supplemental benefits; some employees did not notice this change and lost the opportunity to sign up
    2. Request a second enrollment period to allow these individuals the ability to sign up
    3. Individually contact Corestream which is in charge of vision and dental and ask for assistance in this matter
  1. Announcements
    1. Lynne Stratton will be sending out an email soon requesting nominations for the F. Jay Taylor Undergraduate Teaching Award
  1. Adjournment
    1. The meeting was adjourned at 5:01 p.m.