Oct. 26, 2020 – minutes

  1. Call to Order – The October 26, 2020 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:01 p.m. in Wyly Auditorium/Zoom Session by President Michael Swanbom.
  2. Welcome – President, Michael Swanbom, COES
  3. Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell recorded the attendees as they logged into Zoom as well as those that attended in person; a quorum was met
  4. Approval of September 2020 Minutes – a motion to approve the minutes was made by Joseph Williams and seconded by Teresa Murray; all approved
  5. Review of Recent Progress on Pending Initiatives
    1. Roth 403B
      1. Will become an option barring any technical obstacles of Workday implementation
    2. Endowed Professorships for Promoted Lecturers
      1. The senate was asked to voice comments/actions on the recent CADS revision
      2. Louis Reis made a motion to adopt the CADS proposal which was seconded by Joanna Ward; the motion was passed by the senate majority. There was one oppositional vote.
    3. Tenure Clock Extensions Due to COVID-19
      1. The senate was asked to voice comments/actions on the recent CADS revision
      2. Concerns voiced that the policy does not currently mention anything that specifically states that faculty are able to go up for tenure early
      3. Possibility of a new suggested deadline for announcing extension (the deadline was originally 10/1/20)
      4. Discussion was tabled so that these points could be presented for further clarification
    4. Salary Competitiveness Updates
      1. Mikey Swanbom met with the SGA president to discuss the university’s lack of salary competitiveness with peer institutions; SGA will pick this up as one of their topics this year
      2. Seeking more information on the $90 fee that ULS approved in 2018 (applied per student/per credit hour above 8) as an inquiry on what these fees are being used for
  6. Batch of University Policy Revisions for Approval
    1. Policy 1431 – Possession of Firearms
      1. A motion was made by Louis Reis/Joann Hood to endorse revisions contingent on allowing certain clubs (e.g. archery and paintball) to continue their measures; a motion was also made to table the discussion of concealed carry on campus; the senate approved these motions
    2. Policy 1432 – AIDS Policy
      1. John Worsencroft/Stacey McAdams made a motion to endorse for removal; the senate approved this endorsement
    3. Policy 1450 – Consensual Relationships
      1. The senate is willing to endorse this revision pending further clarification of the legal definition of consent
    4. Policy 1451 – Child Abuse Reporting
      1. Policy is redundant as it is already covered by state law
      2. Louis Reis/Joanna Ward made a motion to endorse for removal; the senate approved this endorsement
  7. Senate Sub-Committee Work
    1. A link was provided for senate members to view the subcommittee placements that they have been assigned
  8. Adjournment
    1. Meeting was adjourned at 5:04 p.m.