Louisiana Tech University Senate – April Minutes

Monday, April 24 at 4:00-5:00 p.m., Wyly Auditorium

  1. Call to Order – The April 24, 2023 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:00 p.m. in Wyly Auditorium by President, Louis Reis.
  2. Welcome – President, Louis Reis, COES
  3. Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell recorded attendance; a quorum was met
  4. Approval of March 2023 Minutes – a motion to approve the minutes was made by Matthew Hartmann and seconded by Patsy Hughey; all approved
  5. Guest Speaker – Galen Turner, IV, SGA Junior Senator
    1. Proposed to have a joint session with the University Senate
    2. Recent Elections
      1. Runoff for SGA secretary and president
      2. SGA wants to be more involved with faculty to bridge relationship between faculty and students
      3. Voting conducted by students using their CWID and B.O.S.S Pin; ballot with choice of yes, no, or abstain; majority vote
      4. Student Parking Fee
        1. $20 quarterly fee for the building of a parking garage near the BCM
          1. Fee will start Fall 2023 (Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters)
          2. No timeline given on when garage will be built
          3. Crawford spoke with SGA three weeks ago
          4. Additional funding from the state? Thinks parking fee from students will only cover the cost
          5. SGA’s Instagram page contains slides from presentation given a few weeks ago
        2. Concerns about parking around IESB – not aware of a plan for this area
        3. Shuttle system was not successful
        4. Will SGA be finding any additional funding?
        5. Unsure of where the money generated is going
  6.  Updates
    1. Deficiency Exam Letter
      1. Shelcie Menard-Harvey and Louis Reis met with the Provost
        1. Provost was interested in the petition option that was introduced
        2. Senate needs to clarify the wording
        3. Agreed that implementation is not currently consistent through campus
        4. Wants students to be able to have a second chance
      2. Student Success Specialists from each college reaching out to students
        1. Follow up with Donna Thomas to see if there were many students offered extended absences (death, illness)
      3.  Timeline?
        1. Short turnaround before graduation
          1. Part of what the senate needs to address in the new language
        2. New language could expand to include several different issues
          1. Students that underperform – provide them with a list of options
          2. Trying to rule out those that have done poorly all quarter; meant for those that happen to fail final exam due to extenuating circumstances
    2. Reimbursement Procedures
      1. Louis Reis will meet with Dr. Guice on May 4th
      2. Louis e-mailed both the senate presidents from ULL & UNO to discuss their current policies
        1. ULL – uses Chrome River for reporting; faculty do not use this process frequently & struggle with the rules & software (due to not retaining skills from limited use)
        2. UNO – basically doing the same; will have faculty training like Tech
    3. Senate Awards
      1. Google response sheet will be placed on Moodle soon
        1. Select top three finalists for each award
        2. Specialized Services and Library will pick a college to caucus with for faculty awards
        3. Vote for top choices by the end of the week so finalists can be informed and complete their packets
    4. Tenure Committee
      1. Never met
      2. Senate Bill 174 – Senator Cathey pre-filed bill
  7. Additional Business
    1. May meeting with Dr. Guice if he’s available; a motion to approve as a guest speaker for this meeting was made by Matt Hartmann and seconded by Jim Palmer; all approved
  8. Adjournment – Meeting was adjourned at 4:59 p.m.; a motion was made by Ashley Osborne and seconded by Jake Dugard; all approved