Louisiana Tech University Senate – April Minutes

Monday, April 22nd at 4:00-5:00 pm, GTM 105

  1. Call to Order – The April 22, 2024 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:01 p.m. in GTM 105 by President, Louis Reis.
  2. Welcome – President, Louis Reis, COES
  3. Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell recorded attendance; a quorum was met
  4. Approval of March 2024 Minutes – a motion to approve the minutes was made and seconded; all approved
  5. Officer Positions
    1. Those interested in serving next year contacted Louis Reis prior to the meeting; opened up the senate floor for additional nominations during meeting
    2. A request was made and seconded from the floor to proceed with voting for Parliamentarian and Treasurer; all approved
      1. President – Kathleen Heiden
        1. All approved; no opposition
      2. Vice President – Marcia Dickerson
        1. All approved; no opposition
      3. Parliamentarian – Mikey Swanbom
        1. Vote between Patsy Hughey and Mikey Swanbom; majority vote by show of hands
      4. Treasurer – Dustin Whitlock
          1. Vote between Patsy Hughey and Dustin Whitlock; majority vote by show of hands
  1. Senate Awards
    1. Award finalists were contacted today
    2. Packets are due on May 3rd and will be loaded onto Canvas on May 6th for senate members to review
    3. External link for voting
  1. QEP Design Team – Elton Taylor, Christiann Bayne, Tom Futrell (Communication Team)
    1. Provided updates on the process
    2. Since Spring 2022, data has been gathered from university survey, dialogue teams, student focus groups, faculty/staff focus groups
    3. Vision for QEP is quality academic advising
      1. Genuine connections
      2. Resourceful advisors
      3. Timely support
      4. Path to graduation
    4. Next step is conversations with the colleges, university student survey, Workday Student, pilot the program, and implement in 2025
    5. Visit qep.latech.edu for news and updates
    6. Questions/remarks/suggestions from senate members
  1. Donna Thomas, Provost
    1. Gave updates as it pertains to her role
      1. Seeing movement that we have not seen in a while
        1. Since January, there have not been any denials to hire new/replace faculty
      2. Feel free to share your ideas with Dr. Thomas or Dr. Henderson
        1. Working together to improve morale
        2. Working on university processes such as getting rid of a lot of paper processes/redundancy
      3. Answered questions from senate members
        1. R1 status
        2. Faculty Roster Form
        3. Workday Student
      4. E-mail Dr. Thomas with any further questions/suggestions
  1. Adjournment
    1. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 5:01 p.m.; all approved