Louisiana Tech University Senate – February Minutes
Monday, February 27 at 4:00-5:00 pm, Wyly Auditorium
- Call to Order – The February 27, 2023 meeting of the University Senate was called to order at 4:01 p.m. in Wyly Auditorium by President, Louis Reis.
- Welcome – President, Louis Reis, COES
- Roll Call – Alicia Kimbell recorded attendance; a quorum was met
- Approval of January 2023 Minutes – a motion to approve the minutes was made by Matthew Hartmann and seconded by Shelcie Menard-Harvey; all approved
- Guest Speakers – Dr. Donna Thomas, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs & Jerona Washington, Online Advocate
- Presented answers to a list of questions composed by the senate regarding Tech Online
- The purpose of Tech Online allows convenience and flexibility for students to learn at a distance
- Tech Online webpage provides a list of programs that are offered
- All colleges within the university are represented
- All programs already existed and the administration of those programs remain with each college; there is now a different way of offering and packaging those
- Tech Online aligns with the university goals, values, and mission
- Jerona serves as a collaborative manager of the program
- Answers general questions/how to apply
- Tasks
- Response to RFI Forms Inquiries – email, phone, appointments
- Onboarding – bridging the gap for students that are fully admitted
- Tech Online Hub – common connection point to refer the student to someone else on campus for help
- Education or Career Goals – student support staff available (student retention specialist)
- Tech Online has a flat rate for tuition, no fees ($400/credit hour); simplifying for adult learners
- Reviewed the comparison of rates of Tech Online, main campus, and Barksdale
- Make sure students are put into the right categories
- Tech Online graduate tuition is $475/credit hour
- Reviewed the comparison of rates of Tech Online, main campus, and Barksdale
- No fees – started in Winter/Spring Quarter
- Lisa Cole will determine the impact of no fees for the colleges
- Will make adjustments as needed
- Enrollment numbers in the colleges for Tech Online
- No baseline to start because Tech Online did not exist prior
- Making sure that strategies used for campaign marketing are effective year to year
- Staffing of Tech Online
- These classes were already being taught
- Those that were teaching online before still are
- Program hasn’t changed prior to Tech Online
- Is there a critical number necessary to keep this program afloat?
- Program level is the same whether the course is offered online or in person
- Viability
- Has there been an increase in the need for additional sections?
- Haven’t seen that kind of growth yet
- There is no Tech Online budget to hire additional staff; hiring would have to be a departmental decision
- Hoping to show growth in existing programs
- Additional Questions – please send questions to Donna Thomas or Jerona Washington
- Presented answers to a list of questions composed by the senate regarding Tech Online
- Updates
- Awards Committee
- Nomination form will be sent out Wednesday or Thursday after the quarter begins
- Will leave it up for two weeks and will send reminders throughout this time
- Form can also be found on the senate Moodle page
- Deficiency Exam Committee Recommendations
- Posted on the University Senate Moodle page for members to review
- Shelcie Menard-Harvey briefly discussed the options proposed by the committee:
- Get rid of the deficiency exam altogether
- Option A – student must petition to be able to take exam and obtain prior approval; request is sent to the instructor of course and unit head
- Option B – generally clarify the wording of the current policy
- A motion was made to proceed and write up a letter to be sent to the Provost summarizing the voice of the senate; no opposition to this motion
- Response to Reimbursement Procedure
- Letter composed by senate member captures some things that are not being considered
- Comparison of other institutions does not necessarily work with Tech’s quarter system
- Feedback was provided during meetings with colleges but no changes were brought forth to the proposed policy
- Louis Reis met with Dr. Guice a couple weeks ago and he seemed open to discussions
- Where does the P-card rebate go? Goes into the president’s discretionary fund
- A motion was made to proceed and write up a letter to be sent to the Dr. Guice summarizing the voice of the senate; no opposition to this motion
- Letter composed by senate member captures some things that are not being considered
- Awards Committee
- Adjournment – Meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.